View Full Version : Cavalier vs. Cyclo (Lots of pics)

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07-29-2006, 09:19 AM
This detail was done last night as a freebie to my sister in-law. I just recieved my cyclo this week so I wanted to get some practice in. The victim...a 97? Chevy Cavalier. This thing was *far* from perfect. It gets sprayed down and "washed" alot just to keep the crap off it, but it had heavy swirling from years of no protection. The roof, trunk, and hood were gone, it wasn`t even swirled, they were just all scratches on these parts from setting the baby seat on it while switching it from car to car. I`m not even sure they could have been safely wetsanded out. Car also had pitting all over as well as overspray....anyways 211,000 miles on the clock and looked/smelled like it on the inside.

Process was:

Optimum Hyper Compound via Propel Yellow Cutting Pads

Optimum Compound via Propel Light Cut Pads

Optimum Polish/3M 05937 via Propel Finishing Pads

Duragloss Fast Clean and Shine to get rid of any dust

Duragloss Aquawax


Meguiars APC along with Woolite Mix on carpets/vinyl to clean

Agitated with brush

Extracted with wet vac and then terry towel to finish the carpets up

Vinyl conditioned with Duragloss Leather Conditioner

What I learned:

1. Not all vehicles can come out 100%

2. The cyclo is a nice tool, however I cant praise it too much as this vehicle was too far gone to allow the cyclo to shine. It did work nicely however and I will update this thread later today when I try it on my own vehicle with Prime Strong and the Green Polishing Pads.

3. Frustration isn`t worth the money - If this detail was for money, I probably would have turned it away. The frustration with this neglected paint was just too much, the paint just wasnt in the condition for it to be even worth it to polish (abundance of overspray, poor re-paint, and heavy scratches)

4. Practice makes perfect...as I continue to use the cyclo on vehicles with nice paint underneath all the swirls, Im sure I will love the cyclo

Cyclo thoughts: It is a great tool, however I dont think I appreciate it enough yet to comment fully. Once I have the opportunity to use it on a couple more vehicles and compare I will keep you informed. I will however say while it looks bulky, heavy, and hard to control...it was light and easy to control. I never understood when people said they dont get tired when using the cyclo, and it`s true. Your hands and arms dont feel worn out after 5+ hours of polishing....sure I got bored :) But I wasnt tired of using the machine and when I shut it off I didnt have any funny feelings in my arms/hand like I did with the PC. Also, it is much quieter which was a pleasure...I could even hear the news on TV in my garage while polishing. Overall, so far I am very pleased with the purchase!!









07-29-2006, 09:20 AM
More Befores: http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f224/jrschippa/Garage.jpg





07-29-2006, 09:30 AM
One More Before: Look at the critter I found in this car : ) It’s my little buddy helping me detail like always…This guy sleeps right through the cyclo polishing even!


After ( I quick took these on my way into work this morning so not really any sun on the car, I can take some full sun shots tomorrow afternoon if people would like)







07-29-2006, 09:35 AM
I never understood when people said they dont get tired when using the cyclo, and it`s true. Your hands and arms dont feel worn out after 5+ hours of polishing....sure I got bored But I wasnt tired of using the machine and when I shut it off I didnt have any funny feelings in my arms/hand like I did with the PC. Also, it is much quieter which was a pleasure...I could even hear the news on TV in my garage while polishing. Overall, so far I am very pleased with the purchase!!

Glad you liked it! Did you also notice how much faster it works compared to a dual action?

By the way, your little buddy is adorable! :D


07-29-2006, 09:37 AM







(Picture of it done last night)

07-29-2006, 09:45 AM
I say you did a great job!!! Looks better then most newer cars I see.

07-29-2006, 09:47 AM
Nice revival! It is good to see a cavalier brought back to life. So what did she say?


07-29-2006, 10:01 AM
Thanks for the comments so far...

My little buddy is lookin a little plump in that pictures due to all the ice cream he`s been eating :) lol

And yes, the cyclo does seem to speed things up a *little* bit, it was hard to tell with this detail doing a 3 stage polish...Everything seemed like it was taking forever :)

She hasn`t seen the car yet, I called her last night and asked if she would drop it off...so she drove my car to work today and is going to come around noon to pick hers up at my work. She said "You`re not going to do my interior right?!"

Because it was very stained and full of trash...well I wasnt pleased with how the exterior came out so I decided to clean the interior for her as well and tackle some of those stains so I think she will be pleasantly surprised, I think a clean interior always makes driving more enjoyable anyways knowing your not surrounded by trash, dust, and stains.

Thanks again guys, I know these pictures arent the best because there is like no sun...so at least these ones show off the reflections nice and how the color itself was brough back from dull. I will get sun pics up tomorrow afternoon so you can see the true condition...Yes it came out nicely, but I dont think to the standards of which I approve...I was really dissappointed (I think it`s a combination of not having Hi-Temp Extreme cut...and the overall condition of the paint :(

07-29-2006, 01:56 PM
Wow that thing was beat! Nice turn around and you got that thing as close to perfect as it could have possibly gotten. Cute dog too. Good job.

07-29-2006, 02:28 PM
Very nice job...cute critter too :2thumbs:

07-29-2006, 03:06 PM
Looks like what I am going to have to do to the exterior of my son`s `97 Cavalier. His is a lot shinier though, we lightly polished it last summer and he waxed it with #16 in the fall and then again in late March (and it is still beading in late July!). Still has some deeper swirls and defects we just didn`t have time for last year. I guess I will follow what you did since you seemed to get such excellent results! :up

BTW, is that paint a lot harder than you expected?

07-29-2006, 03:26 PM
Looks like what I am going to have to do to the exterior of my son`s `97 Cavalier. His is a lot shinier though, we lightly polished it last summer and he waxed it with #16 in the fall and then again in late March (and it is still beading in late July!). Still has some deeper swirls and defects we just didn`t have time for last year. I guess I will follow what you did since you seemed to get such excellent results! :up

BTW, is that paint a lot harder than you expected?

Thank you again for all the kind words guys, I really appreciate it after all the frustration with this thing.

Scott, the paint was a *lot* harder than what I had expected. I always wanted to do this as a favor to her just because I always got good results on other cars, they always came out at least 95% perfect....This one was just far beyond my reach. I dont know if it was the paint itself or just the neglect it has seen over the years that led it to be so difficult to work with but it definately would have helped to have Hi-Temp Extreme Cut Im sure. What color is your sons Cavalier?

I heard from my brother and he said his wife liked it alot and so did he. When she returned my car today I found my tank was filled :) For paying almost $3.40/gallon for premium I say that was very nice of her :2thumbs:

As for the little critter....Thanks for all the compliments :) I`ve had him for almost 2 months now and he`s a joy to have around...loves it with the UPS guy comes to drop off goodies so he can get packing peanuts stuck on his nose lol

07-29-2006, 03:28 PM
The pictures look awfully good, so I don`t know how disappointed I`d be. Let us know what her reaction is. http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i210/Topcarman/Smilies/yes-1.gif

07-29-2006, 03:28 PM
Damn nice turnaround. I bet the owner is amazed.

I don`t think I`ve seen Baxton awake! :)

07-30-2006, 12:38 PM
That looks like it was a good first-timer with the Cyclo. Yeah, you`d need a more aggressive product to get it better, but as you found out, the machine isn`t bad to use for a long time.

FWIW, I think it`s great that you did that makeover for your sister-in-law :xyxthumbs I too think it turned out great.

[My appreciation of your little buddy goes without saying ;) ]