View Full Version : Honda Element Plastic Trim?

07-28-2006, 04:05 PM
I`ve been searching, but almost all results are for black plastic trim. The trim on the element is more of a dark grey. I told my girlfriend i`d clean her Element and i was wondering what the best way to clean and restore the plastic would be. So far i`m leaning towards PoorBoy`s Trim restorer, but i`m not too sure about cleaning.

07-28-2006, 05:19 PM

The Honda Element Owners Club has tons of information on cleaning the gray panels. Some suggested items are peanut butter, Murphy`s Oil Soap full strength, and Meguiar`s #40. I include a thread from the site www.elementownersclub.com here:


Hope this helps,

Sludge :spot

07-28-2006, 06:12 PM
Just clean it with a good APC and follow with PB Trim Restore or Natural Look.

Stoner`s Trim Detailer/Shine would do good as well.

07-28-2006, 06:18 PM
To get a nice black look, you could use a liquid tire gel/solution. I like to use Meg`s Endurance.

07-29-2006, 02:13 AM
Thanks for the link. Is it safe, or even a good idea to use some kind of soft brush for the plastic. I was think of just washing it with a brush, which i heard gets the contaminants out of the plastic and then using some kind of restorer on it. oh yea, and what is apc.

07-29-2006, 02:27 AM
APC= All Purpose Cleaner.

What I`ve been doing when I clean my family`s Element, is I scrub the plastic w/ a brush after washing it w/ soap to loosen any excess dirt. Then I`ll run an APC over it, and protect it w/ Armor All.

It`s been working great for me.

07-29-2006, 04:46 AM
My wife has an `03 E. I normally just scrub a bit more agressively then the rest of the car while washing. Sometimes I vollow up with an APC (I like the vroom stuff from Target) the use 303 on them. Gives them a nice low gloss clean look, and the 303 helps protect them from the sun as well.

07-29-2006, 04:18 PM
Chemical Guy`s Liquid Extreme shine is the only way to go in this case, IMHO. It`s comprable to Poorboy`s Trim Restorer, but significantly cheaper. Spray it on to the surface, buff it in with a cheap terry towel, sit back and be impressed. Their trim gel is great too, you don`t get the easy spray application but if you use a foam paintbrush it`s not too bad to apply. Here`s a before and after of the gel:

