View Full Version : Free spyware / adware/ malware recommendations?

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07-28-2006, 03:17 PM
I have looked all over the place, can`t figure out who to trust, who is just more adware, who is really #1 and who just claims to be. And found out that a number of them are `free scans` - but to remove them costs you (and I won`t buy a program from a company that tries to trick you like that).

Any thoughts, suggestions? I am running defender and it`s not worth a crap. I`m getting that dreaded winantivirus ad-which I guess is difficult to get rid of anyway. Freezing up my computer by popping up an ad so I can pay to get rid of the ad doesn`t cut it in my book-if I ever met the president of that company I would have no problem beating the living he** out of him.

Or even if I had to buy a reasonably priced one, I would do that if there are any recommendations.

07-28-2006, 03:31 PM
you need 3 programs

1. Norton Antivirus

2. Ad-aware

3.Spybot (search and destroy)

#2 and 3 are freeware and free of viruses and spyware. We`ve been using them at our company for over 1 year and very trustworthy. Do a google search and download them.

I hope this helps

07-28-2006, 05:23 PM
Thanks- finally found it.

I`m running PC-illin (was already on the computer), but downloaded the other two. Ad Aware didn`t find much but cookies (which don`t bother me horribly, but there were 400+ of them) but Spybot found 23 different ad programs.

And I know where they came from. A buddy of mine logged in to watch a pay per view moto-gp feed a few weeks ago and had to download their player. They had to be in there-that`s when it started.

07-28-2006, 06:29 PM
Never was a huge fan of Norton or Ad-Aware.

Spybot S&D is excellent.

AVG and Anti-Vir (Both Free-Ware) are both very good anti-virus programs and complement each other well enough that I`ll typically run both.

I don`t know how comfortable with computers you are, but Spybot has a feature called Tea-Timer that monitors changes to your windows registry and allows you to deny them. Very handy, typically you can allow the changes when you are installing new software, but if it pops up while you are web browsing you know that the site is trying to do something it shouldn`t.

Good luck!

- Andrew

07-28-2006, 06:49 PM
AVG is an awesome anti-virus program. Definitely get it......

For Spyware, I like Ad-Aware SE best. Back in the days when I used Bearshare and Limewire I used to have spyware problems, and Ad-Aware typically found a lot more than Spybot S&D. Of course, this was just my experience so YMMV. But definitely install AVG to get rid of the trojan viruses that are allowing the spyware to get through.

BTW...those ones taht offer free scans and then you have to pay to remove them are spyware/viruses themselves. I had a PSGuard problem a few months ago. Other programs will remove them for you. If you have a problem, go over to the bleepingcomputer.com forums, they are really great people and will help you step by step. Oh, and make sure to have HiJackThis! on your system to better identify the problems.

07-28-2006, 06:55 PM


-Symantec AV

07-28-2006, 08:21 PM
Another good free one that works a bit differently is Spywareblaster (http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html)

07-28-2006, 11:47 PM

07-28-2006, 11:54 PM
Adaware, spybot, and spywareblaster. I`ve been spyware free for a long time using those.

07-29-2006, 12:01 AM
Add ZoneAlarm to the list of must have`s. It will open your eyes to how many times someone tries to connect to your computer, but even more revealing is the number of times programs you already have try to use the Internet.

07-29-2006, 12:25 AM
I have been using Grisoft AVG for years now. I work in the IT industry and in my opinion it is one of the best. It is free for home use and even the full functional version is only approx $40 with 2 years of AV updates included.

Grisoft (http://www.grisoft.com/doc/1)

As for anti-spyware I was using Ad-aware and Spybot Search and Destroy until recently. I then discovered Ewido

Ewido (http:///www.ewido.net/en/)

which has recently merged with Grisoft. I spoke to their technical support recently and they should soon be releasing a version of AVG that includes this anti-spyware as one product. It`s good to see a functional product that works, doesn`t cost the earth and is not just hype and sales flim flam.


07-29-2006, 01:37 AM
Add ZoneAlarm to the list of must have`s. It will open your eyes to how many times someone tries to connect to your computer, but even more revealing is the number of times programs you already have try to use the Internet.

can`t believe i forgot that one

07-29-2006, 01:45 AM
Forget free. Go with Trend for virus protection and Spy Sweeper for trojans, spyware, etc. My first run with Spy Sweeper (I already had ad-aware) found 31 known spyware items and 436 traces. Been clean ever since.

07-29-2006, 12:34 PM
Forget free. Go with Trend for virus protection and Spy Sweeper for trojans, spyware, etc. My first run with Spy Sweeper (I already had ad-aware) found 31 known spyware items and 436 traces. Been clean ever since.

I was going to suggest Spy Sweeper as well. I`ve been using it for about a year now and it works great. I believe Spy Sweeper has a free demo, try it!

07-29-2006, 12:39 PM
I have been on CounterSpy for the past year and it works well. I also have Spybot and Ad-Aware. As for Anti-Virus, I was on McAfee but now, I am on AVG. If I had to go paid, I would look at Trend or Computer Associates.