View Full Version : You Know What Annoys Me?

07-25-2006, 09:20 PM
The last few trades/sales I`ve given people very good deals. I tell them I send the stuff off, they don`t even say "Hey, thanks for sending that off already" "I`ll be looking for it in the mail." **** is it that ****ing hard to say thanks for sending it already. It really annoys me. I know for ****ing sure if they do not receive it I will get a e-mail or PM.

a.k.a. Patrick
07-25-2006, 09:56 PM
John, take a breath buddy.............

07-25-2006, 11:02 PM
yeah wt* waht a bunch of cheap grimy B-stards. Next time you send a trade, PM em first saying you sent it and if they dont reply with a thanks, send it anyway but on the box write

" "insert name"`s ``` porn" all over the box.

07-26-2006, 12:47 AM
Haha I feel your pain John. Consider using embarassing names on the address form - a couple packages mailed to "Jack Hoff" at their address should set em straight.

07-26-2006, 08:36 AM
Is it that hard to just say thanks, to someone. A little consideration is all I ask.

07-26-2006, 08:53 AM
I still appreciate the sample that you sent me John :)

07-26-2006, 10:58 AM
I still appreciate the sample that you sent me John :)

Your Welcome, Pat

07-26-2006, 02:33 PM
Is it that hard to just say thanks, to someone. A little consideration is all I ask.

I`ve gotten used to the blanket of ignorance in this world.

I posted on something similar (saying `thanks` when holding a door) a little while back. From the responses I got, I just learned to let it go.

It sucks, yes, but now you know who to do business with and who not to.

07-26-2006, 02:48 PM
on the flipside, not recieving updates on if something is sent or why it isn`t.

Or in the case of a vendor, telling you they will do one thing then sitting on their kiesters for 4 days. At which time they email you and say, I have not heard back from you.

then you drag out the email that says.

"no need to respond If i do not hear from you i will send it out tomorrow and credit back the item not instock."


WELL WT Freaken barbique.


nearly 11 days after that i got my order.

07-26-2006, 02:55 PM
on the flipside, not recieving updates on if something is sent or why it isn`t.

Or in the case of a vendor, telling you they will do one thing then sitting on their kiesters for 4 days. At which time they email you and say, I have not heard back from you.

nearly 11 days after that i got my order.

:werd: I recently made my second order with a highly regarded website many autopians swear by. I made my purchase last week on the 19th. I won`t recive my package until tomorrow. Sure some might say it is only a week...well the tracking info is horrible it still says it is right where it started, since that time I have made 4 other orders with numerous places, 3 out of the 4 right where the vendor is located. All of the 4 orders have arrived already and I didnt pay for next day shipping or anything, regular old shipping costs - never again will I order from this vendor . :nixweiss

07-26-2006, 03:22 PM
Where`s RAG?! This could be added to his list of things that suck!

07-26-2006, 03:37 PM
I`ve gotten to the point where I don`t expect a thanks for the favors or simple things that I do. I`ll always be a person who offers a thanks, I`ve been raised that way and there is no changing that. I`ll always open the door for someone, shovel the snow from my senior neighbors drive and help the needy person on the street as I can. Don`t get me wrong, I`m no saint and the fact that one business seems to appreciate my business more than another will likely earn my repeat business. I`ve found that forgetting about the expectation is easiest that way when thanks don`t come, I`m not disappointed. If someone happens to thank me I`m pleasantly surprised. It`s just one of those things I can`t waste time worrying about.

07-26-2006, 04:29 PM
Thanks for the comments. I just always let people know when I send stuff out, so at least they know it`s on it`s way and when to expect it. Hey, I want to be there when/if possible UPS or FEDEX arrives, not have to deal with waiting any longer for my package, more chances that it could fall into some blackhole. Maybe I will stop doing it, and let them just wait it out.

07-27-2006, 08:47 PM
This just happened to me, I sold a Canon lens for $350 and the guy constantly sent me e-mails about it. I sent out to him and notified him for the tracking info and haven`t gotten anything back. I was a little worried that it got lost, but then I remembered I had the tracking info so when I looked it up it had been delievered two days ago. Not that it`s require but it`s common courteous IMO.