View Full Version : Water spot question

Usta HaveA Hemi
03-22-2005, 11:01 AM
I cleaned my wifes Durango all day yesterday and it left me very little time to wash my truck. The realtor was coming in 45 minutes so I did a quick wash and dry but forgot to dry the top of the cab. Afterwards we went to dinner and sure enough all the water that was on the roof ran down the back window and left spots all over. I used Adams DS and that helped but didn`t get them all. I have some Armor All window cleaning towels that I picked up on clearance so I tried those and that didn`t work either. What should I use on the paint and windows?

Thanks! Usta

03-22-2005, 11:08 AM
You might could try a MF dipped in vinegar and water. Let it sit on the spots for a few seconds and see if that does the trick. I have done it a couple of times to get rid of some spots when I was ina hurry. You might also try a polish like Revive, AIO, etc.