View Full Version : Product Review: Poorboy`s Bug Squash

03-22-2005, 08:54 AM
Got a chance to use the new Bug Squash this weekend on two separate occasions, so I will try and share my experience with it. FYI, the method I had been using to remove bugs until I tried Bug Squash was a method I saw CharlesW mention where you wash the panel, let it soak in the wash solution, go to another panel and wash it, and come back to wash the first panel again. It is a very good way to remove the bugs without having to be too harsh on rubbing the surface with the mitt. On with the review…

Product was shipped in the 16 oz. Bottle with a sprayer (not attached). Packaged very well, as was the rest of my shipment. Shipping was extremely fast! Let me also mention that Steve (Poorboy) is very helpful and will answer Email immediately. The product itself is a greenish colored liquid. It doesn’t have the trademark Poorboy’s smell (the usual good smelling stuff), but it has more of a cleaner-solution scent. I took it to mean that this stuff meant business.

The directions were printed on the collector paper labels and were very concise and to the point. Bug Squash can be diluted 3:1, and this was the dilution I used. Directions state to spray on and let sit up to 30 seconds for older bugs. Rinse with water.

Don’t know a price yet, but maybe Steve will work that out a little later.

Pretty simple directives and a lot of anticipation, so here we go. Up first is my truck, a white Tacoma with UPP x 2 and Paste Glaz as a topper. The bugs were given ample opportunity to affix themselves to my bumper & grille, at least few days worth here in the pics. I sprayed on the Bug Squash and let it sit for approximately 30 seconds. I could see it breaking up some of the bug guts as they were leaving colored trails running down the bumper. I then proceeded to spray it with a strong jet of water. I could tell the bugs were spraying off easier than without the BS, but I was a little less than enthused when I could still see some clinging on for dear life. So here I am with bugs still attached and a little disappointed. I decided to go ahead and start washing and see what happened. I had intended to use the method that I usually use as mentioned above. This is where I was pleasantly surprised. Within one swipe of the sheepskin mitt (using 4* Auto Shampoo) the bugs were coming off. The BS had loosened them up that much. I did not need to follow up with a second swipe of the mitt. Also, as per usual, I use one mitt for bug removal up front and on the windshield and side view mirrors and another for the rest of the car. I did notice that the usual bug residue was a lot easier to remove from the “up-front” mitt.

I also got to use Bug Squash and the new formulation of EX-P on my mom’s new Camry. The Bug Squash performed equally well on it and the bug’s had a little bit longer time to stick to mom’s bumper. I’d say at least 2 – 3 weeks. I would post pictures, but I had the white balance set on the wrong setting and all the pictures came out blue tinted. Oh well.

Pics of my truck with the Bug Squash will be following shortly. The only “phase” I don’t have pictures of is after I started using the mitt and the bugs came off in one swipe. My hands were wet and soapy and I didn’t want to get my camera wet. I’m sure everyone gets the idea.

03-22-2005, 08:56 AM
This is before I did anything....

03-22-2005, 08:57 AM
Here, the Bug Squash is in the process of sitting on the surface for 30 secs...

03-22-2005, 08:58 AM
This is after a rinse and nothing more....

03-22-2005, 09:00 AM
Thanks for the review Jared.

I see this stuff isn`t available on the PB website yet.

Is it safe for waxed/sealed surfaces (won`t remove protection)? Do you think it would work on abused finishes (not waxed/sealed, lots of bugs)? How warm was it out when using?

03-22-2005, 09:00 AM
To sum it up in a nutshell, Bug Squash is a nice tool to have for making it a little easier to remove the stuff from the bumper. I would highly suggest it to those who live in the Southern part of the country or to those who have a bug problem where they live. It seems like a little will last a long time. It works equally well on the windshield as a "pre-soak" to soften up bug residue as well. Another great addition to the Poorboy`s World product line. :bigups

03-22-2005, 09:04 AM
Thanks for the review Jared.

I see this stuff isn`t available on the PB website yet.

Is it safe for waxed/sealed surfaces (won`t remove protection)? Do you think it would work on abused finishes (not waxed/sealed, lots of bugs)?

I think Steve is distributing it with certain orders as of right now. Not sure when it will be "widely available," I guess that`s a question for THE MAN. Haha!

IIRC, Steve said that it is LSP-safe. I did not notice that it removed any of mine, but if you did not dilute it I am not sure.

I think it would work better on a surface that is not neglected, but it worked great on my mom`s and she didn`t have anything on hers to my knowledge. They didn`t let the dealership prep it to the best of my knowledge.

03-22-2005, 09:08 AM
Thanks for the review, Jared!

I can`t wait to get my BS later this week, as this seems to be an extremely "buggy" spring in AZ, and there are lots on the front of the V:(

Is it safe for "all" surfaces?? (ie - my front bumper is black textured plastic, as opposed to a painted, polishable surface).

03-22-2005, 09:11 AM
thanks Jared for the feedback...I`m not sure where this product is going yet, but it`s definitely not a QD ....more of a pre-wash like you said...it also works on the salt and sand we have up here inthe winter.

Sean ...diluted at 3:1 (water/Bug squash) it should not remove LSP`s , but if the bugs have attached themselves for that long(2-3 weeks), I suspect their guts have eaten through any LSP, and a fresh coat on the nose of the vehicle will be needed.

03-22-2005, 09:13 AM
Thanks for the review, Jared!

I can`t wait to get my BS later this week, as this seems to be an extremely "buggy" spring in AZ, and there are lots on the front of the V:(

Is it safe for "all" surfaces?? (ie - my front bumper is black textured plastic, as opposed to a painted, polishable surface).

yes Nourah, it`s safe on all surfaces, except cloth;)

03-22-2005, 09:40 AM
...I`m not sure where this product is going yet, but it`s definitely not a QD ....more of a pre-wash like you said...it also works on the salt and sand we have up here inthe winter.

Now that you mention that, I had thought about mixing some Bug Squash with some Spray & Wipe to make a sort-of bug residue QD for the nose and windhsield of my truck. What do you think?????

03-22-2005, 10:07 AM
Now that you mention that, I had thought about mixing some Bug Squash with some Spray & Wipe to make a sort-of bug residue QD for the nose and windhsield of my truck. What do you think?????

Go for it and report back....I was warned by my chemist about mixing chemicals myself:eek you never know the outcome

03-22-2005, 10:31 AM
Well I would like to back Jared up on this post. I have been testing thios product for months now and I`m very impressed with it. I test it on my Father`s company car a lot and have come up with some pretty good results. What I do when using the Bsquash is wash the entire vehicle except for the surface you want to remove some bugs, then spray the surface with the Bsquash and then go over like you are washing the surface with a wash mitt and soap. And the bugs just wipe off like butter. I have not used this product like a spray and rinse, so I can`t speak of that method with this product. I have used it 3:1 for a long time now and find that to be the bet dillution. And you can kind of tell in Jared`s pics, the product has a nice thickness to it so it won`t run right off the paint. It holds it`s place very well to go to work on the panel!

Another thing I have found to be a great addition to this product is the ability to remove tar from lower panels. I recently had gotten some on the lower panels of my Altima, I just washed over them a couple of times and finally got tired of them. I used the Bsquash on the tar, let it soak, and the tar came right off. And I did nothing more than apply and then wash over the panel like I always do, and the tar came right off!:D

This product is a must for me as well, I encourage everyone to give it a try. Especially pros.


After: What you are seeing are the pits in the paint!