View Full Version : what can i use to get rid of chemicals that were sprayed onto my cars paint

07-17-2006, 05:55 PM
About 2 weeks ago my sister was in the garage and decided she would kill wasps with a big can of raid that shot out a 10 ft stream. While she was killing the wasp nests in the garage she never bothered to pull out the cars so i ended up with wasp killer baked onto my cars paint. I`ve been out of town since this happened so i havent had a chance to deal with it until today. So far i`ve tried quick detailers and a clay bar to get it off but have had absolutly no luck so far. What can i use to get this crap off?

07-17-2006, 05:58 PM
Do you have any cleaner polishes? I would try something like Klasse AIO, Prime, or even ColorX. If those dont work, maybe a IPA wipedown? And if all else fails...Maybe a New Car Prep Solvent - Just be sure to re-apply your LSP

07-17-2006, 06:04 PM
Do you have any cleaner polishes? I would try something like Klasse AIO, Prime, or even ColorX. If those dont work, maybe a IPA wipedown? And if all else fails...WD-40 - Just be sure to re-apply your LSP

i have a pc and menzerna ip and fpII

07-17-2006, 06:06 PM
If you wanted to try the IPA wipedown you can find it at Walmart, Target, Biglots, Walgreens...anywhere for under a buck. It could work? Others will probably chime in to help as well....

07-17-2006, 07:00 PM
tried out the menzerna via pc and it worked as far taking off the stains, but its left small visable rings where the spray dots where. I`m afraid it may have eaten the clear coat, i`ll try to get some pics up tonight of it.

Setec Astronomy
07-17-2006, 10:38 PM
Those wasp sprays have some pretty heavy-duty solvent carriers in them to provide wetting action--hopefully none of them damaged your paint.

07-18-2006, 12:00 AM
Sounds like a good candidate for a formal decontamination, then try to correct the paint. i`ll leave it to others to debate AutoInt vs FK1.