View Full Version : 1991 Skyline GT-R (Wine Red)

07-17-2006, 03:33 PM
The paint on this car was actually much worse than I was able to show in the before pics. I`ve got to say, after working on this Skyline, the wine red colour REALLY started to grow on me. The flake started to look GOLD in some shots. Turned out VERY awesome!!

The process was like so.

Dawn Wash


Quick Rinse w/ a Mit

2xOpt Hyper Comound (Heavy Cut via PC)

1xOpt Polish (Light Cut Via PC)

1xClearKote RMG

2xMenzerna FMJ


Total time was about 11 hours. Im having a tough time doing all this polishing, I feel like I should be doing this faster!

Like I mentioned in my F100 thread, for some reason all the befores didnt` turn out well and my camera just didnt` show a few of them. These pics don`t show the true extent of the marring. The hood was BRUTAL, I`ve never in my life seen something so bad. I didn`t get a pic of it, but what it looked like was that someone took a buffer to a DIRTY car. The hood was SO marred that I couldn`t even get it all out. I had to hide the rest of it with the RMG Glaze. Again, I`ve NEVER seen marring that bad on ANY vehicle I`ve ever done. I could tell this was done by a buffer as the pattern wasn`ta typical wash patter. They were tight circular marring that could only be done by a rotary.

Newho here are some befores.


And the Afters




This car turned out AMAZING considering the condition it was in. The owner was absolutly THRILLEd with it after. He couldnt` believe it was the same paint. The flake looked AMAZING! .I did a crappy job of documenting the transformation, but you`ll have ot take my word for it that it really turned out amazing!!! I`ll see if I can get my client to send me a few afters pics as he took some as well.

07-17-2006, 03:42 PM
You guys are lucky to be able to get those cars over there. Legalization is impossible in the US and people only have them through some loopholes which are closing up fast.

07-17-2006, 04:53 PM
Wow very nice job on a very nice car. I wish I could see more of those. I did see a ton of em in the Cayman Islands though.

07-17-2006, 05:05 PM
Awesome car! Love the color too. :)

Any chance you can get some shots of it in the sun and show off the metallic? :)

tom p.
07-17-2006, 05:05 PM
Beautiful paintwork. Great color!

07-17-2006, 05:19 PM
Nice clean up...great unique red too!

07-17-2006, 05:23 PM
Awesome car! Love the color too. :)

Any chance you can get some shots of it in the sun and show off the metallic? :)

It was sunset by the time we finished so I don`t have any good flake shots. Im going to try to get the owner to shoot some for me...

Again I was REALLY impressed with the results I had on this car, but was rather dissapointed in my documentation of it. For some reason my picks just DID NOT turn out very good