View Full Version : Wax/Sealant Recommendations?

07-16-2006, 05:15 PM
I just purchased a 2006 Cobalt SS Supercharged (great car by the way with 0% Financing) Anyway, I`m looking for something that is going to hold up to the brutal winters that we face sometimes here in the northeast. I`ve been a huge Meguiars person, NXT has been my go to wax. But the durablity has just not seemed to be there. I`m not exactly looking for a crazy amazing finish, I`m looking for the durability and something that looks good

I have a few choices I`ve been thinking of...

Zaino (used on other cars with great results before)

Menzerna Acrylic Jacket

Prime Acrylic

I`m open to any suggestions..

07-16-2006, 05:25 PM
collinite 476 for winter wax

07-16-2006, 05:33 PM
Z5pro/ZFX, I say if you don`t feel like buying ZFX to go with Collinite. From a durabilty stand point these always are at the top. I can`t wait to try that red dot 49, maybe that will give these guys a run for their money.

07-16-2006, 05:47 PM
klasse aio and then 2 or 3 layers of klasse sg topped with a nice nuba

07-16-2006, 06:25 PM
Werkstatt AJ, Prime Acrylic, Menzerna AJ.

07-16-2006, 07:06 PM
Werkstatt AJ, Prime Acrylic, Menzerna AJ.

Layering each one or are you just making seperate suggestions?

07-16-2006, 08:18 PM
The Klasse Twins is about as strong as you can get.

I haven`t tried Collinite yet, but heard the 845 is more durable than lots of sealants out there.

07-16-2006, 09:18 PM
Layering each one or are you just making seperate suggestions?

Seperate suggestions.

07-16-2006, 09:40 PM
Quick Question... Does 845 have cleaners in it? Formulated for explosions LOL :chuckle:

07-16-2006, 09:48 PM
Klasse AIO+SG

07-17-2006, 03:36 AM
October of 95 I used Menzerna ,Intensive polish, Final Polish ll, Finishing Touch Glase and Full Molecular Jacket three coats on my 97 Audi A8 drove it throughA North Dakote winter come spring washed it and it looked good, not that it did not need work but it still had A good shine. I have used A lot of sealants and waxes that where good but for ease of application and durability I am very happy with Menzerna.

07-17-2006, 03:52 AM
Werkstatt AJ, Prime Acrylic, Menzerna AJ.

Yep, good choices

With AJ, coat of prime acrylic, leave it on and apply first coat of AJ

Leave for five minutes then remove

3 x AJ then same of carnauba jett and collinite

07-17-2006, 05:52 AM
I`d recommend collinite 845 or 476. If you`re looking for durability, go with 476. 845 gives slightly more shine and is easier to apply/remove. I would say 845 does have some cleaning agents, it smells kinda toxic :)

07-17-2006, 09:59 AM
ya i would reccomend werkstatts prime acrylic and a few layers of acrylic jett, then CJ. Thats alot of durablity