View Full Version : Vinyl floor?

07-14-2006, 08:11 PM
I did some work on an 05 F-150 work truck that has a vinyl floor instead of carpet. There was mud everywhere(thank god it didn`t have carpet) and i did my best to clean it. There was a huge improvement but the floor still looked a bit dingy afterwards. I could have used vinyl dressing on it, but i really didn`t want to do that for safety reasons. I tried full strength APC to start and then a woolite and water mix and neither did the trick. Even after several scrubbings it still didn`t look completely clean. The owner was happy and it was about a 90% improvement, but it irks me that i couldn`t get it perfect.

Do you guys just avoid abused work trucks, or do you know of any tricks that might have helped?

07-14-2006, 09:11 PM
I’ve had good results using scolding hot soapy water and a firm scrub brush.

Then use hard scrubbing in small areas and blot the area as you go.

The mats are pretty durable, yet they are reasonably thin….the hot, hot water helps by expanding the material enough to help free the dug-in dirt.


07-14-2006, 09:17 PM
I`ve got vinyl floor in my truck and what you did sounds like reasonable effort within the limits of safety. Work trucks generally get more abuse, so if the floor still looked dingy, it may not have been anything you could easily take out. Some APC and a good brush will get it clean, use a shop vac to suck up all the suds, then wipe everything down with a wet towel.

Good call on the vinyl dressing.

07-14-2006, 09:39 PM
Opt dressing is said to be able to be used safely on items like that.. ant O might have more to say on this but i believe he uses it on petals..

07-14-2006, 10:11 PM
I had an old 91 rusted Ford with the vinyl flooring in it also. I bought it to transport the garden tractor to our lot before we built the house. I cleaned mine by opening both doors and spraying it out with a garden hose!

07-14-2006, 10:16 PM
My DD has vinyl flooring (01 GMC), I use Simple Green(4:1, or straight) sprayed on, followed with a good scrubbing with a firm brush. Follow with a wet cloth/rinse, then dry.

Leaves the surface clean, totally free of dirt as well as nice and black. No dressing required. I`ve had dried red clay CAKED into the grain. This always gets it out and leaves a great finish.

07-14-2006, 10:40 PM
I`ll have to buy some Simple Green to try on the vinyl, i still have to wax the truck as it rained before i could finish. I used Purple Power which is a cheap APC and it worked well, but perhaps Simple Green would work better.

I spent three hours on this truck and went through half a bottle of Stoner`s Tarminator just to wash it, it was that bad. I still need to detail the engine bay and wax it, i`ll give Simple Green a try on the vinyl. It started to rain while i was working on the interior and i didn`t get to finish the detail, i can`t stand to start on a project and be forced to quit early.

07-14-2006, 10:55 PM
I had an old 91 rusted Ford with the vinyl flooring in it also. I bought it to transport the garden tractor to our lot before we built the house. I cleaned mine by opening both doors and spraying it out with a garden hose!

My grandpa and my dad both bought brand new F-150`s in 84, i can remember cleaning the interiors by parking them on a hill and hosing down the floor. We also used an old t-shirt to apply turtle wax in full sunlight. Those trucks only saw wax once, and i still have the can to prove it lol.

07-15-2006, 07:45 AM
It`s great to have an old vehicle you can do the things to that you would never dream of doing to your good cars! Gets it out of your system!

07-15-2006, 08:46 AM
i use 303 on vinyl floorboards, as long as you buff it all off theres no slickness or safety hazard left behind, i wouldnt even think twice about using it.