View Full Version : Waxes, paste, sourvin(sp)

03-20-2005, 08:15 PM
Ok, i am not completly new to detailing but i do have a few questions. By no mean am i trying to put down certain products. But i have tried probably 3 or 4 different types of waxes. I see some that are 70 dollars for one can, and then some that are no more than 5 dollars. Most are under $20 for a nice size. I am sure there is a difference but is there a 50 or 60 dollar difference. I love the way a wet car looks. I was just wondering if different types of waxes acheve different things. Carnubu, polymer sealant ...ect. What gives.

03-20-2005, 08:46 PM
Polymers are definitely going to give you a different appearance than waxes. They are molecularly different and will reflect differently. Its not something that can be easily explained, but the differences are there. Some waxes will look better on dark colors and some are better on light colors. Souveran is one of the waxes that I feel is almost worth the price. I need to get another jar to compare it to a few more recent test subjects, but I still think it is worth the price. It is the only wax I`ve used that is worth that much though. The problem with all these waxes is that you almost need to try them to know if you like it on your car. Nobody can tell you what you like. That can be expensive, so the best thing to do is research each wax and get opinions from people in similar conditions with similar colors or cars. Lots of work, but its cheaper than buying one of each. :lol

03-21-2005, 12:11 AM
I actually just bought the Signature wax since it will work better in metallic finish`s. They were right. After 4 coats of Zaino, I applied 2 coats of Signature wax. Zaino gives me an awesome shine, but wanted to try the wax. The metallic flake in the paint really pops with this wax, I was surprised. When the sun reflects off the finish, it is unbelievable.

03-21-2005, 06:27 AM

Generally speaking, sealants (synthetic waxes) leave a shinny, clear, reflective finish. This is sometimes helpful on a light colored vehcile.

Carnauba`s tend to leave more of a deep, wet, glossy finish. This is sometimes helpful on darker colors.

Sealants are supposed to protect and be more durable than carnauba`s. However, I have found that NOT to always be the case.

As for the price............... Many people come here to learn how to detail their vehicles and just make them look "real nice"....... and there`s certainly nothing wrong with that! There are others that come here that want the "ultimate shine".......... and there`s certainly nothing wrong with that either! Now, only you can be the judge of whether you want to spend an extra $30 - $50 for that "little" extra "POP".

03-21-2005, 12:40 PM
pinnacle souveran is sure expensive but i guess its worth the price because numerous people have used it and they say its worth every penny. i just recently bought s100 paste wax and i have yet to apply it to my car, when i have time.

but i heard that there is not much differ between s100 and p21s. p21s is more expensive but many people here say that they are the same. there is also poorboys nattys which is really good. my friend has it and he really likes it alot. i decided to go with s100 so i can try this one and see if it great, i think it will. overall everyone says s100, nattys, p21s, and souveran will give your car a new shine new look.

03-21-2005, 01:08 PM
I think people here on this board - myself included - talk too much about the wax or last step product. The key to get a great shine occurs before the wax is applied. Maybe we should speand more time talking about the cleaning and polishing steps we used and less about the LSP or wax. :dunno

That said - the LSP does make a big difference in the appearance of the car. But most expensive is not always best. I`ve seen some fine lookig details posted here using off the shelf products that don`t cost very much. Depends on the looks you want, the looks you like, the ease and joy of usage, the frequency you are willing to apply it etc. For example here`s what I`ve noticed on my car with the products I have used.

Wettest look - Meg`s Gold Class. about $10 at Pepboys IIRC
Clearest look - Victoria Wax Concours. About $32-$38 depending on exchange rate
Deepest look - Souveran or Councours. Hard to say. Both are deep. About $60 or $35-ish
Excelllent combo of wetness, clarity and depth - s100, Nattys and Souveran $15 to $60.
Best highlight of the Metalic Flake - Wolfgang DGS. $20 or so
Great look that doesn`t make a best of in any category but I look I love anyway - UPP about $20 or so.

Which one I use this weekend will depend on my mood except for Gold Class - I didn`t really like that look but it was sure wet looking!

I think I`m rambling on here about nothing ...

03-21-2005, 04:44 PM

Good points........... and I`m also one of those people! :D One of the pleasures I get out of life is putting the "icing on the cake", (sad isn`t it :lmfao ) which is a fine LSP. I will add............. doing great prep makes it sometimes very difficult to determine the differences between LSP`s.

Having said all that, the question "is Souveran worth the price" will continue to be asked no matter what the prep is. In my mind, the answer is "somtimes"! :D

03-21-2005, 05:26 PM
For me I use Nattys and s100. You can`t go wrong with that.

03-21-2005, 06:50 PM
My parents just got me the Soverin wax kit. It has everything! Iam probably going to wait till my spring break ( April 11-17) to do a FULL detail on my 02 Silverado.
I also got the advanced swirl remover since my truck is Black.