View Full Version : Any NetFlix or Blockbuster Online users out there?

07-12-2006, 12:49 PM
Liz and I aren`t much of impulse movie renters nor do we rent anything that abstract. So, what I`m saying is, we plan ahead for a movie night, and usually rent a more `mainsteam` title. We have looked into Blockbuster Online and Netflix for this very reason.

It would be nice to have the DVD next day and we are looking into a pretty basic plan. With all things considered, NetFlix looks like a better value.

Are there any out there that use these services?

Pros? Cons?

Is shipping as fast as they claim?

Is it *that* simple?

Thanks in advance!



07-12-2006, 12:58 PM
My girlfriend and I have been using NetFlix for 2 years now. Great service and it really is that simple. Only problem(if you can consider it a problem) we`ve ever encountered was when a just released title was unavailable because it was on everyone`s list. But it`s usually a couple days at most for it to show up.

07-12-2006, 01:23 PM
We just signed up for Netflix and have been using it for 2 months. Very fast shipping. Went I return my movie I usually get my new movie by the end of the week. I got the basic 2 for 2 plan which runs around $12.00 per month.

The only other advantage I have heard about Blockbuster is that you get 1 or 2 free in store rentals per month.

07-12-2006, 01:40 PM
Liz and I aren`t much of impulse movie renters nor do we rent anything that abstract. So, what I`m saying is, we plan ahead for a movie night, and usually rent a more `mainsteam` title. We have looked into Blockbuster Online and Netflix for this very reason.

It would be nice to have the DVD next day and we are looking into a pretty basic plan. With all things considered, NetFlix looks like a better value.

Are there any out there that use these services?

Pros? Cons?

Is shipping as fast as they claim?

Is it *that* simple?

Thanks in advance!



Been using Blockbuster Online for about 9 months now and it`s great. Fast turnaround for movies and simple to do. I checked into Netflix, but the thing I like about Blockbuster is on the $14.99 plan, I get unlimited movies online with 2 out at a time and also get one free coupon to be used at the local store per week. That`s a $16.44 per month (in store rental value of $3.79) right there and I only pay $14.99/month. That way each Tuesday I can get the new release without waiting. They also have the one out at a time plan and two free coupons a month for $9.99. The in store coupon would be an $8.21 value per month which would make the online cost at $1.78 per month. Either way it`s a bargain.

In addition, I`ve returned a movie to the local post office before there last pickup at night (around 5:30pm) and I have received an email notice at 8:00am the next morning that they have already received it and by that afternoon they have already shipped my next movie. Within a day or two, I have a new movie at my house. It amzaes me how fast they are and it`s about as simple as it gets.

07-12-2006, 02:01 PM
i tried netflix and it would take too long to receive movies. i live pretty close to houston (less than a 6 hour drive) and the movies would take long to get here

if i would send them back monday, they would get there tuesday, ship wenesday arrive thursday. that`s four days! i cancelled it and got hollywood mvp. im paying 14.99 a month and since i live a few blocks from the store, i can rent like 14 movies a day

07-12-2006, 05:35 PM
Great feedback.

Thank you!

07-12-2006, 05:36 PM
i tried netflix and it would take too long to receive movies. i live pretty close to houston (less than a 6 hour drive) and the movies would take long to get here

if i would send them back monday, they would get there tuesday, ship wenesday arrive thursday. that`s four days! i cancelled it and got hollywood mvp. im paying 14.99 a month and since i live a few blocks from the store, i can rent like 14 movies a day

You can`t rent new releases with that program can you? I know when I first checked into theirs and Blockbusters is the difference was, Blockbuster allowed any movie while Hollywood restricted you to movies that could be rented.

07-12-2006, 09:24 PM
We have Blockbuster Online and we like it. We have the 14.99 a month plan. The shipping time is really quick for us. Usually they receive the day after I mail it and then ship the next one and it is at my door by the third day. We do like that we can occasionally go get a movie from the store for free if it is a rainy Saturday or something.

a.k.a. Patrick
07-12-2006, 09:48 PM
Im a Netflicker.........Great service for me, I have the one at a time package......I think its $10.00 a month, which allows me about 6 movies a month. I can usually return one and get one in about 4-5 days....(Im lucky if my daughter hasnt switchd the choices around on me)

07-12-2006, 10:11 PM
You can`t rent new releases with that program can you? I know when I first checked into theirs and Blockbusters is the difference was, Blockbuster allowed any movie while Hollywood restricted you to movies that could be rented.

for 24.99, it can be any movie.

07-13-2006, 03:51 AM
In Austin/Houston, TX, we have these $1/day DVD rental machines all over the place. If you`re only going to watch a few movies each month, this would save a lot of money. Just be sure to return it the next day!

07-13-2006, 12:59 PM
we got those at the heb here! i just hate waiting in line for them :\

07-14-2006, 03:06 PM
I`m a Netflixer and I love it. I think it`s *great*. I get my DVDs in pretty much a one day turnaround, and they have a huge selection.

I don`t recommend their buying used DVD program though - they`ve lost my shipment TWICE, which I don`t understand, since it`s not like my address changed, but their basic rental service is great.