View Full Version : Should of waxed after claying?

07-11-2006, 02:46 PM
I finally got myself a new car and been trying to take good care of it. Recently I waxed (technically sealed because NXT isn`t really a wax right?) my car with some NXT wax and about a week later I picked up Meg`s Smooth Surface clay kit and clayed the car (I was surprised how much crap was on my 3 month old car!). The thing is though I clayed the car and didn`t think about whether or not the clay took off the wax. Now I`m thinking I should of waxed it after I clayed it, so should I`ve done that? I was in a rush to do the other 3 cars for my family, washed, clayed and waxed those though. It sucks being a college student with no on campus parking, so I only see my car on the weekends.

Here`s a pic of my car:


My brothers:


We started late in the day due the crazy hot california heat and worked till sunset, so sorry about the pics. I look forward to picking up a PC and learning how to use it. Thanks.

07-11-2006, 02:58 PM
Claying will remove some of the wax/sealant. How much exactly is hard to say for sure, but it`s usually a good idea to reapply.

Considering the typical durability of NXT, I would recommend reapplying as soon as you have the opportunity.