View Full Version : VMG/ Natty`s Blue and NXT Compatability?

07-10-2006, 10:11 PM
Hey guys. Im looking to add a new product ( my GF is buying one for washing her car). Ive got some NXT and i was looking to get either Vanilla Moose Glaze or Natty`s Blue. I was wondering if the nxt would take off the VMG? Will the Natty`s top the NXT? Any other suggestions (under $20) for a metalic silver? Thanks!

07-10-2006, 10:25 PM
Hmm for under $20... How about Duragloss 105 Total Performance Polish and a bottle of Aquawax? I personally love the Aquawax, and I am giving the #105 a shot but have an unopened bottle of #111 waiting for a light metallic car.

07-11-2006, 10:38 AM
i might have to consider the aquawax. Of course i have heard nothing but good things about it. anyone know if the megs will remove the vmg?