View Full Version : Customer asks about products?

03-19-2005, 11:37 PM
For you professionals out there, do your customers ever ask what brand products you use? If so, what do you say to them? I was thinking about it, and I just thought it would be better not to tell so that they would not try to go out and buy the products themselves and use it. Just a thought, what do you guys think or say?

03-19-2005, 11:40 PM
IM no pro but i do some details for neighbors and freinds. Sometimes I will get the nosey neighbor that will walk over after seeing me work for a long time and i will get the old "what kind of wax are you using." I usually just tell them the brand. I do the same with any customers. If a customer asks I usually just tell them the brand.


03-19-2005, 11:51 PM
ill tell them what they want to know and I`ll show them the bottle/container too. im not worried that I will lose too many customers this way. They are paying for a service that they are either unwilling to do or unable to replicate.

03-19-2005, 11:54 PM
Technique > Products. I`d like to see them buy it and do it as well. There is a reason why you are providing a service, they can`t do it! If they do, welcome them to DC :dcrules :D

03-19-2005, 11:58 PM
I don`t see a reason not to tell them. I feel its not just the products but the techniques and your passion that yields great results. Add to that the fact of how long it takes to apply the products for non detailer. They might try it once and realize they have better things to do with their time.

Plus you could take the time to teach your clients and show them your knowledge. You will become a car care expert in their eyes. This will also build value in your service once the client fully understands all the steps you do to their vehicle. If the client is educated he can then sell your services better to referrals too.

And it would appear funny to me if someone wouldn`t tell me what their using on my ride.

I`m not a pro by any means. Just a weekend warrior when the weathers good. Great topic!

03-20-2005, 12:14 AM
I would agree with scrub. If the customer asks.......... you should tell them.......... they are paying you. Back when we were in the Biz, we never had many people ask us, and when they did, they were just happy to hear "Meguiar`s" or "3M" or whatever we were using at the time. Anybody that asks you for the details of the products and your processes you use probably already has a pretty good idea of what they are talking about.

03-20-2005, 01:35 AM
I would agree with scrub. If the customer asks.......... you should tell them.......... they are paying you. Back when we were in the Biz, we never had many people ask us, and when they did, they were just happy to hear "Meguiar`s" or "3M" or whatever we were using at the time. Anybody that asks you for the details of the products and your processes you use probably already has a pretty good idea of what they are talking about.

Spot on!!

03-20-2005, 03:23 AM
Thanks for your help guys, just wanted to hear from prople with experience.

Big Leegr
03-20-2005, 09:45 AM
I would think they were trying to pull something on me if a business wouldn`t answer my questions. Especially basic ones that might affect my car.
As a business, I would expect to be proud of the brands that I choose, as they are a reflection of my business.

Just my 2¢.

03-20-2005, 11:00 AM
I don`t mind showing them or explaining to the my products. 90% of my products are purchased from in gal. or 5 gal. form. Not available to the general public, so I`m not too concered about about them running out and buying anything.

Some things I do by off-the-shelf like The Absorber, Mother`s metal polish, green 3M body tape, etc.

Plus my clients are for the most part, very busy professionals who don`t have time to do anything with their vehicles except put gas in them. Which is why they hire me :)



03-20-2005, 11:14 AM
Technique > Products.

Yep. I don`t care, they`ll wind up swirling the paint and call me back in the end. Just because a person owns a Porsche doesn`t mean they can drive fast.

03-20-2005, 11:39 PM
Honesty is the best policy! If they want to know, tell them. We have nothing to hide.

Secret Chimp
03-21-2005, 01:54 AM
I usually tell people the brands I use and give them the URL. I usually offer to sell them some also.

The product is only one small part of the equation. The other 90% is how you use it.