View Full Version : urgent waxing question

07-09-2006, 06:26 PM
I just finished waxing my car...and did the lower door panels last. I looked up and could see some of the wax still on the door, I tried as much as I could to get it out but after 10hrs of detailing the exterior by hand today I was exhausted, plus couldn`t really see.

For the most part I think it`s all just about out, but I can no longer see out there. Is it bad if a little bit of wax is left on the car overnight? I`ll be able to just wipe it up tomorrow right? thanks

07-09-2006, 06:33 PM
I just finished waxing my car...and did the lower door panels last. I looked up and could see some of the wax still on the door, I tried as much as I could to get it out but after 10hrs of detailing the exterior by hand today I was exhausted, plus couldn`t really see.

For the most part I think it`s all just about out, but I can no longer see out there. Is it bad if a little bit of wax is left on the car overnight? I`ll be able to just wipe it up tomorrow right? thanks

Leaving some on the surface for extended periods shouldn`t hurt anything...happens to everyone. Sleep well tonight and in the morning the wax spots should just buff right off. If you want, you can hit the spots with a tiny tad of QD to help remove.

07-09-2006, 06:35 PM
In general, leaving on a wax overnight doesn`t pose a paint problem. Some waxes get easier to remove while others get more difficult...if it`s difficult to remove, try a light spritz of QD and wipe away.

07-09-2006, 06:52 PM
Great, thanks... I feel better now!

07-10-2006, 07:00 AM
I miss spots all the time, usually they are small enough I just wipe off with my hand.

I agree with those above, your fine.

07-10-2006, 07:51 AM
Remember when it was `cool` to leave wax on your car for a few days? You`d see people driving around with a big thick coat of wax on - all perfectly distributed in round patterns? Not sure if it was a myth that got started somewhere that it`s best to leave it on for as long as possible or if a manufacturer was recommending it.

07-10-2006, 09:15 AM
I got it all for the most part, it`s just some spots that I buff out, but everytime I look at it in a different angle or with different light you can still see the variation of color, then I buff it again and look at it from another angle and it`s there now.

Am I doing something wrong? I`ve been buffing and buffing and buffing! Am I supposed to wash or rinse it after I finish, or what`s up?

07-10-2006, 09:32 AM
What products did you use? Did oyu polish the car as well?

07-10-2006, 11:21 AM
I went out and got a different type MF, and it appears to have worked. Finally it`s done! Thanks everybody