View Full Version : Can`t get minor scratches out, tried 3 different cars! help!

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07-08-2006, 01:31 PM

I just got my PC a few weeks ago. I originally purchased it to try and clean up the paint on a dark blue 02 BMW 325 I. I can seem to get swirls out, but i cant for the life of me get scratches out. Im not even talking about nail deep scratches, but just the ones that you can rub your nail over and not even feel.

I`ve done my dark blue 02 bmw, 00 blue audi a6, and today my girlfriends 04 blue chevy cavailer.

I can seem to tackle swirls with ease, but no luck with scratches. On my bmw, when i first received my PC, I purchased the Sonus pack of polish/cleaners with the yellow, white and blue pads. I started out using the SFX 1 with the yellow pad, using at at speed 3 to start out with and just using the weight of the PC to move the product around, then increasing speed to around 5 and adding pressure to try and get the scratches out. Then I moved on to SFX2 with the white pad, with similar method, followed by the paintwork cleanser to give it the shine, then the P21S carnuba wax.

I recently purchased the Optimum hyper polish, and Optimum polish, with are supposed to get out 2000 grit using a minor cutting pad.

These products seem much like the last stuff i`ve used, although the hyper polish really seems to cleanup the paint well, but still doesnt get out the scratches.

Any advice? Do I need to change my method? Do I need a 4" plate and pad? Do I need more agressive pad and compound?

Any advise or tips would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks.


07-08-2006, 01:36 PM
Stop being afraid of speed 6. Crank it up and apply some pressure to the PC.

If that won`t work, you`ll need 4" pads and a smaller backing plate.

07-08-2006, 01:49 PM
How long/many times do i need to go over a scratch? I mean obviously untill its out, but how do I know if im taking off to much paint/clearcote?

Thanks again!

07-08-2006, 01:58 PM
The only way to know for sure when you are approaching the point of removing too much paint is to have a paint thickness gauge. These are very expensive though, so most people don`t have one.

How many passes depends on how deep the scratch is. Just make sure to move the machine at 1/2" per second or so. Yes, ONE HALF INCH.

07-08-2006, 02:04 PM
If going over it at the 1/2" per second doesn`t get it out, do i just keep going over it slowly?

I spent a ton of time on the hoods of these cars i`ve been working on, and just cant seem to get them out. Even going at the 1/2" per second. The max speed I have used has been around 5, so I guess ill try cracking it up to 6.

I see all these picturs of peoples cars looking like total crap, and then getting out pretty much every scratch and looking incredable. haha, I cant get out ANY scratches. ooh well......being a noob...great huh? NOT

Thanks in advance!


07-08-2006, 02:21 PM
I find a 4" spot pad the most effective way to remove scratches with a PC. The 6" or 7" pads are ok for swirls but you need to concentrate the work for scratches.

07-08-2006, 02:34 PM
has anyone been able to get out scratches using the 6" yellow pad? Also, should i need to buff an area. then wipe it off, and then buff again? Ive read about people using a product 2x or so.

07-08-2006, 02:42 PM
I had some very good results this last weekend with my edge 2000 padson the 02 audi a4. These you could barely feel

2.5 on yellow, ssr1 on green, polish on blue.

to remove the scratch i started with the 2.5 3 small pea sized dots, worked it till it was done,

Green pad ssr1 worked it till it was done,

scratch was only noticeable at 90* angle then.

Polish on blue to remove any marring though i did not see any.

I, however am probably picking up a second pc with a 4" pad system for these.

07-08-2006, 02:53 PM
Only use speed 3-4 just to spread the product around. Cranke it up to 5-6 after that and just work the polish in until it starts to become a translucent haze (don`t let it dust though). Wipe it off and inspect your work. If the swirls are still there (but reduced) then just continue to work over the area. As for pressure, it depends, 10 lbs. ish is pretty decent

4" pads will help a bit too since it`s more concentrated. Use the same process as well.

07-08-2006, 02:58 PM
On the subject of applying pressure...how do you get good leverage when doing the roof? I`m a little over 5`9" and I`d have to stand on something to get my elbows high enough over the pc to push down on it.

What do you guys do?

07-08-2006, 03:07 PM
i`m 6`3", its kinda hard to get the tops of some cars....luckly the PC seems to be very stable....i can kinda hold it with one and and try to push down wiht the other.....the top of the car is tricky though.

Thanks for all the tips.

BTW, it seems like the PC doesn`t spin a whole lot the more pressure i apply, does that mean its being less effective then too?

07-08-2006, 04:36 PM
If it doesn`t "spin" (more like jiggle), then you`re applying way to much pressure. :D

07-08-2006, 05:05 PM
has anyone been able to get out scratches using the 6" yellow pad? Also, should i need to buff an area. then wipe it off, and then buff again? Ive read about people using a product 2x or so.

I was able to get these scratches/swirls out with the PC and a yellow 6.5 Propel pad, followed by a green Propel2 pad.


07-09-2006, 09:33 AM
Of the three cars mentioned I`m only familiar with the Audi (had numerous A6s).

You`ll need a 4" pad setup and some pressure to correct Audi A6 clear with a PC.

Assuming the marring isn`t too deep to be safely removed, you just have to keep going over it until you`ve leveled the paint to your satisfaction. It can take (literally) hours to do one panel depending on how bad it is.

I sure wouldn`t worry about taking off too much clear (on the A6) with a PC.

I stand on THESE (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/detail/-/hi/B00006RK57/qid=1110756187/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/102-3680402-3941749) , one on each side of the vehicle.

I keep hearing about A4/S4s with clear that isn`t nearly as hard as that on A6/A8s :confused: Mike Phillips did a S4 that micromarred with #80 :eek: And yeah, it was factory paint. Don`t get it....Bill D`s A4 has *hard* clear :nixweiss

07-09-2006, 03:16 PM
I used the yellow pad very agressive on the cavelier and it really seems to make a lot of difference.

My question now is, my pad is like black looking now....i tried to clean it with water to get the most out it out but its still black. Do i need to use soap? or is it trashed? or can i just use it as it is again?

Thanks again for the tips!!

Anyone know were to get a 4" plate and pad that works with the PC 7424? I dont really want a kit with compound and stuff too because i already have a ton of products.