View Full Version : what polish for ultra fine swirls on black paint??

07-06-2006, 04:12 PM
I used meguair scratch x on some scratches

even though it left the surface pretty shiny, i can see ultra fine marks in the pattern of circles when under direct sunlight

its only noticable under the sun.. and i have to put my face close to the paint

i read something about "final polishes" .. will they remove these marks? what product can i buy over the counter at auto parts store that will get rid and leave NO marks on my black paint?

will meguair`s deep crystal polish do that??


07-07-2006, 04:52 AM
you need to work on your technique

try the scratch x again..WORK at a small area say 10" x10" or so, use a megs applicator pad and remove the scratch x with a clean MF before it dries, you may need to repeat the application 3-5 times ....you really need to work at it, it not wipe on -wipe off

if after those applications your still unhappy , then you may want to use a glaze to help hide whats left...id reccomend mothers sealer glaze, of megs DC 2....or find someone that can machine polish your paint with a PC

Big Leegr
07-07-2006, 07:47 AM
I feel the DC Polish (2) is not going to get rid of marring. It may hide/mask some for a bit, but it won`t remove it.

I find SSR1 a nice final polish, but this depends on what you consider "ultra fine" vs. what I do. ;)

With the ScratchX, maybe try applying another coat, but use really light pressure and ensure it`s fully broken down.

07-07-2006, 08:41 AM
FP-II if you have a PC?

07-07-2006, 10:21 AM
Yeah, Deep Crystal #2 is nonabrasive. I`m surprised the Scratch-x left marring, I too would try it again, working it long enough that it really breaks down. Maybe try moving in straight lines across the problem area, one direction one time, inspect, another direction the next time. See if you can gauge your progress that way.

I`d expect Meg`s #9 to be finer than the Scratch-X, but probaly *too* fine to accomplish anything by hand. #80 works OK by hand if you put in the time to work it long enough.