View Full Version : Exactly what causes the spots?

07-05-2006, 05:45 PM
I need to know EXACTLY which ingrediant in water causes the white spots. Is it Calcium?

The reason I ask is because I may have an idea. A buddy of mine has an RV he visits on the weekends. Water supply is from a hose attatched to the RV. He has a filter purchased in the RV section of WalMart that purifies the incoming water. If I hook one up to my hose I`m hoping for good rinse water for my car. I`m currently using the Mr Clean system, which is OK, but the final (filtered) rinse if fairly lame for pressure. If I can wash and rinse with good water, the job will be much simpler. The filter list many things that it clarifies, but Calcium isn`t one of them. Cadium (sp) is one, as well as many others. So what actually causes the white spots in bad water, and am I off base here?? Thanks.

07-05-2006, 05:58 PM
I THINK it`s the calcium, but I`m not ABSOLUTELY sure. If you search the site, you`ll find LOTS of info about water purification. There are a few companies marketing "spot free rinsing" (CR Spotless comes to mind). Here`s a link to a review of one such product:

SPOT FREE FILTRATION SYSTEM (http://www.f150online.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229117)

07-05-2006, 06:16 PM
the minerals that cause water spotting is Calcium..magnesium...and High levels of Flouride...


07-05-2006, 06:48 PM
I live in Hawaii and can get water spotting from two sources. One source is from tap water that will leave white spots or rings. The second source is rain that will leave lighter spots and rings. They are not white, but almost translucent spots and rings. I was able to get rid of all of the hardwater spotting on paint with vinegar treatment, but needed to use a glass polish to get rid of them from my windshield.

I believe the water spotting from the rain water may be from the high salt content in the air. What`s worse is that I work in an area where there is a light rain in the morning followed by hot, sunny afternoons that bake the spots on. I hate waterspots on the windshield and find myself using the chemical glass cleaner/polish about every 3-4 weeks or so. It`s a pain.

07-05-2006, 06:59 PM
It`s the minerals including calcium. To be nearly spot free you would have to remove or change the minerals. RO=reverse osmosis removes and deionizer changes the minerals. Mr clean is a deionizer with a polymer rinse agent.

07-05-2006, 07:11 PM
Thanks for the replies. I should have figured that one filter wouldn`t do the trick. It does say that it removes most Floride, and a host of other stuff that I can`t even remember. But I know it didn`t list Calcium.

Thanks for the link Supersting. I guess that`s the type of system I`ll have to look at. My neighbor is a plumber, so maybe I`ll go for a whole house system if I can talk him into installing it for a free detail on his truck :)

07-06-2006, 04:13 AM
The best way to rinse your vehicle is with a high pressure washing system that uses reverse osmosis filtration. I worked at a limo service that had a $10K system, OMG I loved it! That was also when I discovered Collinite 476S, with a good waxing and thorough wash, I had no need to even dry my car.