View Full Version : Five gallons diesel spill in trunk

Greg Phillips
07-05-2006, 11:49 AM
Several months ago, I didn`t tighten the cap on a five-gallon can of diesel I put in the trunk. Yes, I am an idiot. Anyway, I cleaned the trunk, and I had the trunk professionally cleaned. The overpowering odor remains. Not only that, but I recently realized that packages left on the back seat now become saturated with ....guess what...oil.

The seats are leather. Do I have any other options beside having the back seat re-upholstered? I could really use some advice. Since Katrina, I must commute seven hours twice a week between my job and my family.

Thanks, Greg

07-05-2006, 12:05 PM
almost 0 choices. anything i see would be wasted money

07-05-2006, 12:06 PM
yah not really much you can do besides get new seats or redo them.

07-05-2006, 02:38 PM
remove as much as your can, then ozone. When I removed my oil tank (275 gallon) from my home, I spilt about 5 gallons. Put ozone on it, gone in one day...Thank god! house stunk for 1 day....BAD

Problem is diesel (with red dye) /home heating fuel (without) is like crude oil..