View Full Version : microfiber seeing its last days?

07-05-2006, 11:33 AM
I have a few plush towels that are about 1 year old. These towels seem to lint at times when used for whatever purpose. Is this a sign the towels are getting old and worn?

These towels didn`t do this when they were new.

07-05-2006, 12:02 PM
if they`re getting thin thin or hard relegate them to wheels and door jam use.

07-05-2006, 12:20 PM
I`ve told this to many people, but I don`t think anyone has believed me and been willing to try it yet.

If you start to have performance problems, get a nice hot pot of boiling water going, and stick the microfiber towels in there for five or ten minutes. If the raw material was good to begin with, they should come out good as new.

If you wind up with Chinese Microfiber Soup... don`t send me the bill. And stop buying your "microfiber" at Costco. ;)

Though if lint is your primary issue... that process may not help. Lint is a quality problem, not a tired microfiber problem.

07-05-2006, 01:07 PM
I`ve told this to many people, but I don`t think anyone has believed me and been willing to try it yet.

If you start to have performance problems, get a nice hot pot of boiling water going, and stick the microfiber towels in there for five or ten minutes. If the raw material was good to begin with, they should come out good as new.

If you wind up with Chinese Microfiber Soup... don`t send me the bill. And stop buying your "microfiber" at Costco. ;)

Though if lint is your primary issue... that process may not help. Lint is a quality problem, not a tired microfiber problem.

Might have to try that out for myself just to see what happens. Will have to try some MF from Excel & Pakshak as well as the ones from Sam`s Club.

I notice I sometimes have some lint show up on my WW Glass mf if I leave them out too long after folding them. I typically fold them after running them through the dryer on low after air drying (to soften them up). I typically put them away in plastic storage containers, but sometimes I`ve gotten lazy or forgot and left them in a basket. When I used them afterwards, they left some lint on the glass. Since typically no problems on ones that I put away right after folding, I assume that they are just picking up lint that circulates in the house. Just a thought if you don`t store them in plastic containers or "baggies".

07-05-2006, 01:21 PM

Can I ask where were they bought and what towels are they?