View Full Version : Ultracoat Wax (polyurethane sealant)

07-04-2006, 04:10 PM
Hey Folks...

I`m a first time poster, long-time Meguairs` user who has done my due-diligence, has seen the light, and am now moving away from waxes into sealants.

Has anyone used P & S Sales products extensively, in particular the Ultracoat Wax? It is a polymer urethane sealant (not a "wax" at all, apparently). I don`t know if there`s a functional difference between that and the acrylic sealants like Klasse and Zaino, but my logic says that since most paints these days are urethane based and not acrylic, then why not use a urethane sealant? There`s not much user Web info on the product, but P & S has been around here in the Bay Area for over 40 years, so I figure they must be doing something right!

I`ll be picking up some tomorrow from the distributor, and I`ll post the results, but I won`t have anything really to compare it to.

FYI, www.pssales.com, they have some product info and a detailer training booklet online.



07-04-2006, 05:08 PM
I have never heard of that specific product.



a.k.a. Patrick
07-04-2006, 07:08 PM
Curiosity has me by the .........I may have to make a call.....

07-04-2006, 07:31 PM
I`m curious about the urethane component - hell, they use polyurethane on hardwood flooring for durability, never heard of acrylic for hardwood floor application. I suppose I can report on shine and ease of application tomorrow, but won`t know for at least a month on the durability aspect, which by all accounts Zaino & Klasse are proven. Nobody has hyped this stuff, and I think its been around for 3 years. P & S Sales is in the production detail supply biz, not the showroom fanatic biz like us, so I`m not expecting to create a fascination here!

07-04-2006, 08:28 PM
eurathane has been used in sealants for a while. The TW Finish 2000 and F21 lines use eurathane in them. It probably is durable but may not provide as nice of a look as can be achieved with other products.

07-05-2006, 06:19 PM
The rep at P & S Sales stated that they sell Ultracoat Wax to local dealerships and the dealerships present to us as a Permaplate-type long-term protectant.

I used a PC @ 4 with a yellow polishing foam pad and ultracoat polish first and had a nice result over the clay job in terms of silkyness, really smoothed out the finish. Great call by you all on the PC to do the job, tough to screw up the job with that tool! My buddy from the body shop thought I was nuts to try and improve it beforehand! As a side note, there is I think just the slightest hint of oxidation if you really open your eyes up close to the paint. Understandable after 5 years, I suppose, but imperceptible otherwise.

The ultracoat wax (about $25 for a quart) goes on very quickly with the PC and a black polishing pad, dries pretty quick, easy to take off if it`s spread on lightly, and no leftover haze. I also put a coat of NXT on a virgin panel for s`s n` giggles to compare how it will hold up. Zaino is on the way, and I have a spot for that next.

I did get a nice nod and smile from another BMW owner after the polish phase, and I figure she had to mean the car b/c I look like crap today.

By the way, the color is gray green metallic, with no swirl marks and only barely perceptible scratches b4 the clay process began, so I had a good surface to work with. Overall, I`m quite satisfied with the product right now, I`ll just have to compare it to Zaino and then see how they both look and hold up.