View Full Version : How to mix/stir bottles which are nearly full?

07-03-2006, 04:39 AM
In my opinion there is just no way that I am achieving any appreciable mixing when I shake my bottles of SSR. The bottles are too full, and the polish is also too thick.

Just a silly thought - can you get purpose designed stirrers for this kind of situation? I`m thinking of something which has prongs which could unfold once they`re past the neck, which would increase the effectiveness of the stirrer. (ideally it would also allow one to easily remove the excess fluid which gathers on the stirrer, minimising waste).

In the meantime, I guess I could just empty the bottles into larger containers. Seems absurd to have to do that though.


07-03-2006, 06:50 AM
I like using kabob skewers....they`re thin and don`t waste much of the product

07-03-2006, 03:23 PM
Thanks for the skewer idea - neat.

Just by the way, Poorboys have informed me that the SSR`s need very little shaking.
