View Full Version : No Orange Peel?

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06-30-2006, 07:03 AM
I let my wife pick out our SUV (metallic gold Landcruiser) and thank goodness it has no orange peel...just lucky I guess. But how is it manufacturers are able to produce some vehicles/models without orange peel if they aren`t sanding and buffing (I`m assuming they don`t sand and buff)? I suppose then they must be spraying really thin coats?

06-30-2006, 07:11 AM
All I know is orange peel is getting a lot worse, almost all the new cars I see have it....

06-30-2006, 07:15 AM
my car has orange peel :(

06-30-2006, 07:25 AM
my car has orange peel :(

So does mine.

It`s a fact of life, bro, don`t get too down on yourself for it.

I just saw a guy with a brand new M roadster that had the worst case of orange peel ever.

You think a high-tier car like that would have had some effort put into the paintwork.

06-30-2006, 07:28 AM
Does orange peel affect the paint? My new Mazda MPV also has the orange peel...

06-30-2006, 07:31 AM
Does orange peel affect the paint? My new Mazda MPV also has the orange peel...

No, just not a desired look, obviously. Actually, sanding and buffing it out will though, as the paint is just too thin.

06-30-2006, 07:55 AM
So does mine.

It`s a fact of life, bro, don`t get too down on yourself for it.

I just saw a guy with a brand new M roadster that had the worst case of orange peel ever.

You think a high-tier car like that would have had some effort put into the paintwork.

Speaking of that, I just saw the worst I`ve every seen two days ago. Coincidentily it was a Z4 roadster. It looked absolutely horrible.

06-30-2006, 08:33 AM
`06 Dodge Magnum:


And I`ve been told that wetsanding OEM paint is just asking for disaster....

What are your guy`s opinions on wetsanding OEM paint?

06-30-2006, 01:41 PM
If I had a new car I would just live with the orange peel, I wouldnt` want to be removing all that clearcoat. To me it seems that the flatter the paint, the easier it marrs/scratches... maybe it`s just me??

06-30-2006, 01:51 PM
`06 Dodge Magnum:


And I`ve been told that wetsanding OEM paint is just asking for disaster....

What are your guy`s opinions on wetsanding OEM paint?

That`s really some miserable paint! Never would I buy a car with sever orange peel, and if I did, I`d sand it out, knowing full well that it may ultimately cause premature CC failer...at which point I`d simply repaint it.

06-30-2006, 03:39 PM
If I ever order a car and go to look at it, I`ll refuse to buy if the orange peel is as bad as that Magnum, that`s just pathetic. I`d call the manufacturer, then I`d tell the dealership I refuse to pay for something that looked like that. Paint is one of the 1st things you look at.

06-30-2006, 04:09 PM
Oh, and here is a pic of a car I wetsanded every last bit of orangepeel from:



06-30-2006, 04:16 PM
Orange is just simply par of the course today. 99% of car buyers don`t even recognize it or have an issue with it so the automotive manufacturers have no incentitive to improve the paint process.

Personally, I would never wetsand OEM paint on a new vehicle. Removing all that clear can have some serious consequences down the road. The clear is a lot thinner than people realize and if you remove anywhere more than 1/3rd, you`ll almost certainly have a clear failure at some point down the road.

If you are truly concerned, then have it wetsanded and recleared so that you have a decent level of film build to wetsand a 2nd time and the high gloss that you might be after.


08-02-2006, 11:52 PM
Yup, my new BMW M Roadster has orange peel bad. The worst part is that I don`t know what is going to happen when I attempt to take out the toxic bird poo on the hood. I`m assuming that I am going to lose the orange peel there ... and that`ll really look screwed up.

08-03-2006, 12:05 AM
Hope it was a repaint?