View Full Version : Beware (PoorBoys products being mispackaged)

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06-23-2006, 06:53 PM

06-23-2006, 07:02 PM
Uh, wow... that`s crazy. I mean I know bug squash is blue and their wheel cleaner is yellow; but I don`t think most people would pick up on that. :/

06-23-2006, 07:17 PM
Whose label is the Bug Squash....Why is it in a bottle with the acid sparayer (grey)?? That doesn`t look like PB label on the first bottle.

06-23-2006, 07:23 PM
Oh schnap!

There goes PB rep now :(

06-23-2006, 07:39 PM
^I`ll still buy from them

06-23-2006, 07:54 PM
Whose label is the Bug Squash....Why is it in a bottle with the acid sparayer (grey)?? That doesn`t look like PB label on the first bottle.

That`s the same rear label I have on my bug squash bottle.

I do wonder about it being in a bottle with a sprayer. I`ve recieved more than one bug squash bottle and none had a sprayer.

06-23-2006, 08:03 PM
I just got a thing of bug squash for autogeek.net. It came with a sprayer. Is it not supposed to?

06-23-2006, 08:16 PM
on top of that he says he has the chemical list and that it`s hydro chloric acid with ammonia.

those to chems to the best of my knoledge do not mix, one is an acid one is a base. they cancel each other out.

sounds fishy. If you look at my picture below you can clearly see i was shipped the correct bottles.

Spray in rinse is up top, 2nd from the right.

bug squash is in the lower left, 4th from the left to be exact.


06-23-2006, 08:19 PM
Oh schnap!

There goes PB rep now :(

naw.. I`ll still buy from them.. but their wheel cleaner spray nozzle sux ***..

06-23-2006, 08:22 PM
sounds fishy.

If you look at the guys picture he has wheel acid in a bug squash labeled container, I don`t think it`s fishy just a mistake, it happens.


06-23-2006, 08:24 PM
on top of that he says he has the chemical list and that it`s hydro chloric acid with ammonia.

those to chems to the best of my knoledge do not mix, one is an acid one is a base. they cancel each other out.

How would he have the chemical list? Did he have it analyzed at a lab?

Not only that, but Hydrochloric acid is in NONE of the Poorboy`s products...even Spray and Rinse wheel cleaner is alkaline, with sodium hydroxide as the primary base. Hell, even acidic wheel cleaners contain HydroFLOURic Acid--HCL is waaaaaay too strong to be used in any kind of detailing product. And I don`t think that ammonia is VOC compliant. The whole thing sounds fishy to me.

06-23-2006, 08:25 PM
Grouse - Ok, my trim restorer looks like yours. Whew! Lol.

All of the PB products that I`ve ordered (that were supposed to come with sprayers) arrived with them on the side. They each had a flip top cap with the sprayer in the box on the side. The OP didn`t mention if he ordered other products and mistakenly put the sprayer on the container that the thought was Bug Squash. Either way, if he didn`t tamper with the labels, it clearly isn`t Bug Squash in the container and this story does sound very fishy to me. Something so corrosive that it would eat away at glass but would ship and store safely in a plastic container?

06-23-2006, 08:25 PM
I just got a thing of bug squash for autogeek.net. It came with a sprayer. Is it not supposed to?

I think Patrick sometimes puts nozzles in the bottle since it`s easier on the end user; I know a couple places do that (Pakshak, for example); but as far as I know the Bug Squash bottle straight from Poorboys does not have a nozzle, while the Spray & Rinse does.

I think the order came from Danase in this case? I seriously doubt Danase would accidentally put S&R in a Bug Squash bottle.

06-23-2006, 08:28 PM
Something so corrosive that it would eat away at glass but would ship and store safely in a plastic container?

Plastic is usually the preferred storage medium for those kinds of chemicals.

06-23-2006, 08:28 PM
If you look at the guys picture he has wheel acid in a bug squash labeled container, I don`t think it`s fishy just a mistake, it happens.


yeah and i have compared my two bottles of each.

the label for the bug squash goes all the way around the bottle. his does not you can clearly see the edge of the bottle with the golden liquid inside.

As i said it`s not HCL and ammonia. Those two do not mix, 2nd HCL can not etch glass with out being super high molar.

so something is not right. His bottle is misslabeled with the incorrect label that looks tampered with, He`s had time to take a pic of the bottle but not the car?

something is not right.

I would post pics of the damage not the bottle.