View Full Version : Bought a toolbox for my PC...

03-16-2005, 03:55 PM
Toolbox for PC 7336SP (http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?BV_UseBVCookie=Yes&vertical=TOOL&pid=00959219000&subcat=Portable+Tool+Boxes+-+Plastic)

I bought this toolbox at Sears for $9.99 to carry my PC 7336SP. It holds my PC with backing plate attached, handle and 10 pads with some room to spare. I looked at Walmart(trashy store) and Target before I went back to Sears to get this bad boy. I love it! What a great deal for only $10.

While at Target looking for a toolbox I walked passed the "Travel-size" stuff and noticed a holder for carrying bar soap. I thought it would be good for storing my Mothers Clay bar instead of a plastic bag that always sticks to the clay. Another great deal for $.99.

I will post pics later of all my products.

03-16-2005, 04:26 PM

03-16-2005, 09:01 PM
Pics are going to have to wait till I get back to school on Saturday. I don`t have my photo resizing software on my laptop so I can resize them and load them onto Detail City. I will have them up as soon as I can.

03-16-2005, 10:21 PM
you can resize them on paint.


03-17-2005, 10:02 AM
I bought the same one a couple months ago. I was shocked by how many pads I could put in it.

I keep my clay bar in a ziplock bag placed in an altoid container. :)
