View Full Version : Unwanted wax on trim

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06-23-2006, 11:20 AM
Last week I detailed a black volvo and the vehicle turned out nice except for the trim. The customer`s husband had waxed the car 6 months earlier and covered the black trim in paste wax. I tried everything I had, Meg body solvent, Meg safe degreaser, Mothers back to black. Eventually about 50% was removed. Is there a product or technique out there that can help me in the future. :help:

06-23-2006, 11:28 AM
Top of the Line`s GR-40 is like nothing else out there. It`ll cut right through the wax, its the first step in their trim dying kit but you don`t need to follow with the dye.

06-23-2006, 11:29 AM
Maybe Simple Green would help. I would experiment with different dilutions that would effectively remove the wax.

06-23-2006, 12:11 PM
Top of the Line`s GR-40 is like nothing else out there. It`ll cut right through the wax, its the first step in their trim dying kit but you don`t need to follow with the dye.

Just order some to try it out.

06-23-2006, 12:25 PM
simple green has worked for me many times, usually 10:1, But the top of the line product may be easier and better.

06-23-2006, 12:30 PM
Mr. Cleans magic eraser... dont dampen it too much.. a little wetness is enough. dont use pressure when rubbing it against the trim.

06-23-2006, 12:44 PM
Maybe try isopropyl alcohol?

06-23-2006, 12:49 PM
I`ve heard a pink pearl rubber eraser will work, I used a Factis white rubber eraser on the Mach 1 lip on my Mustang and it took the wax off effortlessly. You can get the Factis erasers at any art supply store, but I`d try a pink pearl if you`ve got one at home.


06-23-2006, 12:56 PM
how do you apply GR-40?

06-23-2006, 01:55 PM
DuraGloss now has a product called wax eraser..suppose to dissolve wax on trim


was told it works like magic...I never used it..it just came out...but I do not use any product that stain...except some polishes..but they seem to remove easy....


06-23-2006, 02:13 PM
DuraGloss now has a product called wax eraser..suppose to dissolve wax on trim


was told it works like magic...I never used it..it just came out...but I do not use any product that stain...except some polishes..but they seem to remove easy....


Looks like relabeled Urethane Supply Wax Blaster...

06-23-2006, 02:20 PM
Looks like relabeled Urethane Supply Wax Blaster...

I highly dout it is a relabeled product..both owners are chemists and have developed and manufactured thier own products....but on a second note..they may relabel for other companies..


06-23-2006, 02:29 PM
The Urethane Supply Wax Blaster has been out for a long time. Now that I look at the pictures, they are slightly different...the Wax Blaster is in a black bottle and the tip is on a slant instead of straigt up. But, what I find interesting is that both cost $5.29...

Wax Blaster (http://urethanesupply.com/waxblaster.html)

Wax Eraser (http://www.duragloss.com/product.asp?pid=337)

06-23-2006, 03:23 PM
well the duragloss is only 4 ozs...wax blaster is 8 ozs...but the was blaster said it does textured trim and no mention of smooth trim..the duragloss said does textured and smooth trim...will wax blaster remove wax from smooth rubber trim?..I do not know..but it does not say it will from smooth trim..


06-23-2006, 03:25 PM
So we have a few options now... The Duragloss Wax Eraser, Wax Blaster, the Mr. Clean Eraser (but be careful on matte trim cause` it`ll remove some types of matte paint and make it shiney), the Factis Eraser and/or other types of erasers, Simple Green or perhaps another APC, Isopropyl Alcohol, Peanut Butter/Peanut Oil, TOL`s GR 40, WD40.......anything else?

No one should have wax residue any more. :bigups