View Full Version : Is it good enough?

06-22-2006, 03:23 PM
I`m using my PC for the first time.

Should the sun show the same imperfections that a halogen light will? I know this seems like a very stupid question, but I`m polishing, and the paint looks really good, great reflection back at me just after doing SSR 2.5 with a green propel pad. But I`m thinking if I show the halogen on it (did this yesterday in the garage, and it gave me the chills!!) that it will show more imperfections.

Should I just say hey, that`s good enough, it looks very good with this low sunlight behind it, or should I grill myself with the halogen??

I realize this could just be how anal I am, but I just want to see what others think or do. Thanks for helping out a noob!!! :)

06-22-2006, 04:32 PM
Use the halogen

06-23-2006, 10:51 AM
Not a dumb question at all, inspecting can be a real challenge (I have silver and insist on perfect finishes on some of `em).

Try the halogen with all the other lights off. Move it around and move *yourself* around too so you get different viewing angles. Try to be as demanding as possible if only so you know what`s really going on.

But give some consideration to what`s really important to you. I keep some of our vehicles as marring-free as humanly possible, but I don`t sweat it on the others. Life`s short and even if you *get* a perfect finish it can be a chore to *keep* it perfect. The condition of your paint only matters as much as you allow it to matter to *you* ;) "Good enough" means whatever you want it to mean.

I sometimes think we here at Autopia give people unrealistic expectations and that being a literal perfectionist about this stuff can take a lot of the fun out of the whole thing. Unless that`s your idea of fun, of course...

06-23-2006, 12:35 PM
Thanks for the responses. I tend to think that way at times Accumulator, but since I`m new at the PC, I`m trying to get it perfect. I keep trying to get a feel for it, and it does look good in moderate sunlight (as in setting sun), but when I brought up the halogen, it`s not that mirror look I see so often from others.

On parts, it almost looks like I`m doing more "damage" myself. It`s not real damage, just not good. I`ve read at times that SSR 2.5 needs to be followed up by a less aggressive polish to see the final results. That`s my next step.

As an aside, what does everyone do with the dust? The 2.5 is dusting terribly!!!

06-23-2006, 02:29 PM
OK, that`s cool. If you *really* want to torture yourself, get a high wattage incandescent trouble light at Lowe`s and put in a 300W bulb. Turn out all the other lights and use *that* to inspect. It`s the most unforgiving thing I`ve found and I can spot *everything*, even on silver.

Sorry, never used the SSR stuff so I can`t help with it...but IIRC the 2.5 does require a milder follow up.

06-23-2006, 03:23 PM
I`ve never used SSR2.5, but from what people say it sorta sounds like the 3M PF-3000 Extra Cut rubbing compound I use. After using the 3M product, the paint is definatly better looking than before.. but to get the real shine gotta follow up with the swirl mark remover.

Dust sucks... keep a few MF around. After the job is finished maybe use a QD if there dust in the air decides to go on the car.