View Full Version : Megs #21 separated ***???

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06-20-2006, 01:18 AM
So a nice forum member here RCBuddah sent me two sample bottles. The #21 inside I shook vigorously for over 2 mins. When I poured it on to my blue 7inch LC VC pad nothing but this water like liquid came out. Once that left I got a mushy goo of purple stuff that I wasn’t about to put on my paint.

What happened? Is it supposed to be like that?

06-20-2006, 02:09 AM
RcBuddah know better not to send samples out unless he sends some my way lol ...jk :chuckle:

no but seriuosly now if you go to MOL quite a few diff people are expreince some sort of problems from what you mentioned or it streaks when you try to remove it....

now i havent expirienced neither.....i think one suggestion was in the original botttle it need to be shaken up very well then transfer to a smaller bottle, if not you wont have consistent sealant possibly like your....

pm RcB and see if he had any problems like you mention plus if he shaked his bottle real well before transfer.....

06-20-2006, 02:46 AM
yeah mine does that, once it gets cold..

i leave my products in the garage, so it get pretty cold in there

i just shake the shizzle out of it!

06-20-2006, 05:50 AM
Mine never separates--even after prolonged periods of sitting.

06-20-2006, 07:06 AM
#21 and several others LSP will separate after some time. There`s nothing wrong with that, nor does it mean the product is inferior.

If you shake it well, it will recombine. However, you stated that you shook it for 2min and it still came out separated. Something is definitely wrong with that. The purple goo and the clear liquid should`ve mixed giving you a light purple creamy texture.

As suggested, maybe the original bottle wasn`t mixed well enough before transfering to the smaller one...Maybe it froze at some stage. :nixweiss

Whatever the reason, it shouldn`t be that way after 2 mins of shaking.

06-20-2006, 07:44 AM
this sounds like what happens when things are not freeze thaw safe.

they permantly seperate. some of our more delicate carpet chemicals used to be this way. you could shake them in a paint mixer for 10 min and they would still not be right.

06-20-2006, 08:46 AM
I am also having the separation from #21 and the streaking problem got worse after it has separated.

06-20-2006, 08:51 AM
Thank you all for your responses. I am fully aware that products do separate. I have a ton of products and with my OCD I do shake them all once a month as they sit in my bins.

The separation issue with #21 is like nothing that I have seen before. It is truly a shame as I had heard so many wonderful things about it and was looking at it as a possibility to order a half gallon to use on pay details. I appreciate RcB sending it to me and paying postage (which I will still gladly pay RcB!) but I was really hoping to try this stuff out. Makes me leery to ordering any, even the 12 ozs bottle from ADS.

06-20-2006, 09:50 AM
Wow...that`s really odd Lebowski. I shook my bottle VERY well before I poured them into the sample containers. My products have never frozen, they are kept inside, and temperatures here never get below freezing (aw, the joys of being in SoCal!) I purposely left some room in the sample bottles so you could shake it. Anyway of posting some pics for me? I`ve been following that thread on MOL, but the current product I have isn`t seperated (I just double checked). Maybe its the weather? :nixweiss

Glad to hear that you got the product though, sorry it isn`t working...

RcBuddah know better not to send samples out unless he sends some my way lol ...jk

:chuckle: You never asked!!! lol But if you want some...shoot me an email... :xyxthumbs

06-20-2006, 01:11 PM
Link to MOL thread about streaking and separating problems with M21--


06-20-2006, 02:44 PM
mine did the same clear liquid then purple but it still worked great!

06-20-2006, 03:19 PM
mine did the same clear liquid then purple but it still worked great!Well I was not willing to risk my finish. I sent a email to Megs and I am waiting on a response.

06-20-2006, 03:29 PM
Link to MOL thread about streaking and separting problems with M21--

http://meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13451Thanks I read that a few days ago actually before I received the sample from RcB.

06-20-2006, 04:11 PM
We have the separation issue. With both #20 and #21, altho shaking #20 seems to help.

We do not have appearance or durability issues with #21, and we use it perhaps 10-12 times per week. It is our preferred Sealant (when cleaning polish residue is not an issue).

Off topic: We`ve determined that Klasse AIO`s revised/VOC compliant formula (a whiter shade of pale) has reduced cleaning properties :werd: :furious:

We just keep moving forward. :hifive:


06-20-2006, 06:25 PM
We have the separation issue. With both #20 and #21, altho shaking #20 seems to help.

We do not have appearance or durability issues with #21, and we use it perhaps 10-12 times per week. It is our preferred Sealant (when cleaning polish residue is not an issue).

Off topic: We`ve determined that Klasse AIO`s revised/VOC compliant formula (a whiter shade of pale) has reduced cleaning properties :werd: :furious:

We just keep moving forward. :hifive:

JimGet Werkstatt`s Prime Strong, as good as the old AIO if not better.