View Full Version : Question on using a Foamgun

06-19-2006, 05:16 PM
While I love the foamgun I got from AutoGeek, I seem to go through a TON of car wash soap each time I use it.

Since my car is just a weekend toy, and it never really gets dirty, I`ve been using the TOL Bubble Bath to help preserve the LSP. Now this soap is also supposed to be excellent for use in a foamgun, and it is, but yesterday when I was using it I went through 2 1/2 of the gun`s pint-sized container of soap!

I think the ratio is set too high, but it seems like I need to set it at the highest setting to get any actual foaming - if I don`t the solution seems to be mostly water - and since I like to be extra cautious and use a lot of solution in combination with the BHB to avoid marring, I seem to go through soap like it`s going out of style.

So is it safe/effective to use at a lower ratio setting, or do I just have to suck it up and keep using it the way I`m doing? I don`t mind going through this much soap if that`s what it takes, but if there`s a more "wallet-friendly" solution, I`m certainly open to that as well. ;)

06-19-2006, 08:04 PM
I use the bottom ratio setting with 3:1 soap:water. The key is to shake it up a bit before spraying, and that should help foaming.

06-19-2006, 08:11 PM
I use the bottom ratio setting with 3:1 soap:water. The key is to shake it up a bit before spraying, and that should help foaming.

Do you mean you mix up a soap and water mixture before putting it in the container, and then set the ratio at it`s lowest setting?

06-20-2006, 06:28 AM
If you just pour in the soap, the dilution will be too high and will waste product. I always use between a 3:1 or 5:1 soap/water mix in the canister. I can usaully foam my entire car several times with just a few ounces of soap. I also use the second from lowest setting on the faom gun. If the car is really dirty, I`ll bump it up to the middle or higher.

06-20-2006, 06:36 AM
I recently took a gallon jug and filled it with approx 6 ounces of wash soap and water. I will use this from now on to fill my foam gun. I just got my foam gun as well and noticed that I was going through alot of soap. I am going to also try a lower setting. So far I have been using the middle one.

Setec Astronomy
06-20-2006, 06:50 AM
I always try to proportion out the cup mixture and the adjustment bar setting to equal what the soap mfr. recommends for a dilution. I still find myself using about twice as much shampoo as with a bucket, but I consider this the tradeoff. Some people seem to use much higher dilutions, while some use much lower :nixweiss

PS If you are using a really thin soap (like the TWUG that some of us got at Big Lots), you can pour that in the cup straight and use the smallest orifice (1 oz/gal, although I actuallly find that a little thin with TWUG). More viscous soaps need to be diluted before being put in the cup otherwise they won`t draw properly.

06-20-2006, 07:25 AM
I am using much higher dilutions and getting good suds and foam:

Soap-Poorboys Supe Slick Suds

Amount-I put about 1-2 oz. into the quart size jar and fill with plain water.

Setting-Ablout the middle of the brass metering bar.

I get (2) good car washes out of the qt. jar with plenty of suds, and using only 1-2 oz. of product.

06-20-2006, 07:46 AM
I use a capful of Black Magic`s soap (smells really good), and fill the rest with water and shake. I use the highest foam setting and get really great foamy results. :)

06-20-2006, 09:22 AM
Thanks for all the help, guys! :xyxthumbs

I`ll play around with diluting the mixture before putting it into the container to see what ratio will work best for me.

06-20-2006, 09:27 AM
My mix: ~5-6 ounces of shampoo in a gallon jug, filled the rest of the way with water. I use the lowest strength setting on the gun except for very dirty areas. I`d been using an even weaker mix in the jug but decided to add a little more shampoo.

As for the cost/etc. of shampoo, you might consider that shampoo is a renewable resource, unlike paint and time (spent polishing). I`d rather go through the shampoo...

Setec Astronomy
06-20-2006, 09:53 AM
My mix: ~5-6 ounces of shampoo in a gallon jug, filled the rest of the way with water. I use the lowest strength setting on the gun except for very dirty areas. I`d been using an even weaker mix in the jug but decided to add a little more shampoo.

Since I can`t help but do the math...and since I know you use Griot`s which dilutes at half an ounce per gallon, the nominal Griot`s dilution is about 0.4%, and what you are getting above is 0.35%...so now I feel better about trying to keep things at the right ratio. :)

06-20-2006, 10:50 AM
I`ll leave the math to people like you who can`t resist :D I don`t remember what the various dilution ratios on the foamgun are anyhow...