View Full Version : UPP bonding or not: How to tell?

05-20-2003, 03:57 PM
Let`s say I apply it over a surface containing oils, or carnauba. How can I tell it`s not bonding? How do I know it`s ok or not?

05-20-2003, 06:56 PM

Good question, and probably extemely difficult to answer. I would guess that the only way you would be able to tell is if the UPP doesn`t seem to last as long as it should. On the other hand, it`s probably difficult to tell when it`s lost its stuff anyway.

I know, not much of an answer, but it`s all I could come up with.

05-20-2003, 08:17 PM
I got kick`d out of a forum because a person who tried UPP didn;t follow the directions. This person put it on top of Zaino and then said it only last`d a week and just bash`d UPP.(He was a (Zaino freak)...
Anyway I told him he need`d to strip all his layers put Platinum pre cleaner and then UPP. Also he didn`t wait an hour or 2 after applying UPP and he layer`d it after about an hour.
Anyway he and I got into.... and a week later Im off of the forum.

I would just say it doesn`;t bond well and won;t last as long..Dwayne can give a more detail`d "why"....But i have always started from scratch when using UPP..

05-20-2003, 08:28 PM
Over the weekend I tried a new combination, Meg`s #5 quick polish, UPC, UPP. The look was amazing! The sparkle and warmth was unbelievable. The reason I used the #5 was because I don`t think it has as many oils as say the #7. I figured the UPC would take care of any bonding issues. If I can resist putting another couple of layers on I will post in a few weeks about the bonding and durability of this combination. One things for sure, the #5 definately added to the look.

05-21-2003, 01:25 PM
LMAO at JeffBruce. You seem like one of the nicest guys here, can`t believe you got booted from a forum. We all know that technique is more important than having every product and that one good layer done properly is better than 10 layers done improperly.

05-21-2003, 01:33 PM
Yeah, I can see JeffBruce like a knight in a shining armor defending UPP :D :D :D

My question is important if one wants to test products, like, for example the first guy who tested it over AIO, how did he knew it bonded ok? even if after a couple of weeks the UPP was gone because of un-proper bonding, it would still bead cause of the AIO.

05-21-2003, 01:57 PM
Boy, JeffBruce...
20% discount with an attitude!!! As most of you know I am NOT a Zaino fan, there are plenty of products out there that are just as good without all the rules, regulations, and fuss.
Good goin Jeff!!!

05-21-2003, 04:34 PM
I use Zaino too, but if not use`d correctly .....and then it doesn`t perform like you want, please don;t bash the product ......

Someone here got me start`d on AIO then UPP...very good combination....

Now when i use poorboys..(if it ever gets to the web site)..kidding..
I will do some homework on technique and application and then go to town with it....i have a few vehicles line`d up already...


05-21-2003, 04:37 PM
I believe I remember Jeff`s "altercation" in that other forum. I thought Jeff handled himself very well.............. but didn`t take any crap! :D

I also agree that one should follow the manufaturers directions first, and then, if not satisifed, modifiy them as necessary.

05-21-2003, 05:01 PM
There`s nothing to be wrong on using the EX, now about the S&W, ... I`m still cautious when the car has more dust ;)

Jeff, about your new 21% discount claim, today I got a supplier for some Eagle One products, 20/20 glass cleaner, never dull, A2Z wheel cleaner, all with a 30% discount, not to mention megs 40%, 1Z 25%+15%+10%... on the computer business I can hardly get 1.5% :mad: ... I`m thinking of selling my computer shop and dedicate all my time to detailing :cool:

05-22-2003, 09:07 PM
lol Jeff...it`s on it`s way to Dwayne as we type away....it should be available to you by mid next week..holidays really screw up shipping;)

05-22-2003, 09:39 PM

Jeff, about your new 21% discount claim, today I got a supplier for some Eagle One products, 20/20 glass cleaner, never dull, A2Z wheel cleaner, all with a 30% discount, not to mention megs 40%, 1Z 25%+15%+10%... on the computer business I can hardly get 1.5% :mad: ... I`m thinking of selling my computer shop and dedicate all my time to detailing :cool: [/B]

I wonder if Dwayne reads your postss...especially this one!!!