View Full Version : Getting lured in for more products... yes/no?

06-16-2006, 10:38 AM
Told myself I would not buy anymore products, but this is becoming addictive and I can`t help it.

I currently have Optimum Hyper Compound, Compound, and Polish. I have been reading a lot on Menzerna products (need to do more research). I understand it is more abrasive and works better to cut through deeper scratches. Paint on my 06 Accord Coupe is pretty soft, so I`m not sure if this will be a good move or not.

Also, been reading a lot about VM and RMG. What I want to know is how it works against my Werkstatt Prime (Strong & Carnauba) and my Carnauba Jett. Got interested in Moose because I heard it does wonders for black cars.

Just to clear things up, let me know if I am correct on all these products:

Prime: Paint cleaner like AIO

CJ: Sealant (or is it Glaze?)

VM: Light Polish

RMG: Lighter Polish


06-16-2006, 11:34 AM
Prime: Paint cleaner like AIO

CJ: Sealant (or is it Glaze?)

VM: Light Polish

RMG: Lighter Polish

Prime: correct

CJ: sprayable carnauba wax

VM: light cleaner+glaze+a little carnauba (better at filling than RMG)

RMG: light cleaner+glaze (better at gloss on dark colors than VM)

06-16-2006, 06:48 PM
I think that`s where I`m confused. I recall reading threads that say VM works better on darker cars than RMG.

Still confused. :confused: :confused:

06-16-2006, 06:51 PM
I`m sure just about any glaze will look nice on black. IIRC there have been threads differentiating the two products...maybe a search will bring them back...

06-16-2006, 11:48 PM
I`d get Menzerna 106FF or FPII and mix it 70/30 with Clearkote`s Red Machine Glaze. A bit more cutting power than Vanilla Moose and finishes a bit more clear and deep. Works amazing on all colors and should be compatible with Prime.

06-17-2006, 08:41 AM
Thanks Scott.

The 106FF is $50! It must perform really well. I think in time I will try the 70/30 mix.