View Full Version : Sonus polishes vs Menzerna polishes

06-15-2006, 09:56 AM
And specifically, IP/FP and SFX2/SFX3.

Menzerna was the first product line that gave me truly superior results. Generally, I have trusted Menzerna for several years for my best work. I still get excellent results from other products, notably Meguiar`s 84/80/82, but I like having Menzerna IP and FP on hand. I feel comfortable knowing that I can get consistent, repeatable results with those products. I will say that I haven`t tried FPII; I just used up the last of my old FP.

I have used Sonus SFX2 and SFX3, but only once. I was very pleased with the results, and generally considered them quite comparable to the results I got using Menzerna. That was a while ago though, toward the end of last summer, and I`m a little fuzzy on memory.

So, is my experience comparable to that of others who have used both products? I have more stuff than I could ever consider using up in my lifetime, but I`m considering ordering one or the other, just because I like having the "go to" stuff on hand.


06-15-2006, 12:53 PM
I like Sonus polishes too; but view them more as a "weekend warrior" type line then Menzerna. SFX1 is not quite as aggressive as PG, but dusts quite a bit; SFX2 isn`t quite as aggressive as IP, and again likes to dust and can be a bit of a hassle to remove. I think Sonus SFX1/2 compare pretty well with PG and IP, it`s SFX3/FPII where the real distinction is made. SFX3 is purely for finishing, it won`t remove anything more than a super light swirl whereas FPII will remove light swirls and scratches and, imo, finishes down better than SFX3, plus it dusts less and is easier to remove.

The Menzerna line is also more rotary friendly. Also I dislike that the Sonus stuff only comes in 12oz bottle (At least it used to).

As you can tell I generally prefer the Menzerna stuff, but the SFX`s are not bad by any means. I would just reach for the Menzerna stuff more often.

06-15-2006, 01:25 PM

Interesting. One the the things that makes me prefer SFX to Menzerna is that SFX doesn`t dust for me. I assume we`re both talking about v2.0 of the polishes that are 8 oz. bottles? Or is your experience with the first SFX polishes (in the 16 oz. bottle)?


06-15-2006, 02:13 PM
Mine are in the smaller of the two (I thought they were 12oz, but I guess they`re 8oz). I get a lot of dust with all three SFX`s, about the same with 1 and 2 and PG/IP, but with the PG/IP + RMG mix I definitely get less dust than the SFX`s alone (haven`t tried RMG in them). SFX3 dusts way more than FPII for me. /shrug.

In terms of results as I mentioned the SFX`s are slightly less aggressive all the way down the line, which in some cases is good (SFX2 will remove moderate defects and doesn`t haze like IP will, which is nice), but the Menzerna line can definitely take care of worse marring. I also like the way FPII finishes better (as I mentioned).

I just think given the fact that the Menzerna line is a little more aggressive, can be mixed with RMG with good results, and comes in larger bottles, and are rotary friendly, it`s a better line for guys doing a lot of cars. For guys not doing a ton of cars either will work, the SFX`s are probably a bit more user friendly.

06-15-2006, 06:31 PM
I`ve used the Menzerna products extensively for a number of years; it`s the Sonus products I`ve only used once. And I`m not interested in mixing it with anything else.

Sometimes I will go months without using any polishes, and then I will do 11 or 12 cars in a couple weeks. I find both products easy to use. What I`m interested in is the final results; do other users who have used both products believe that the end results are essentially the same?

Generally speaking, in the absence of counter-information I make conservative decisions. I`ll give the Sonus products another try since I already have them. Then if I get reliable, predictable, satisfactory results, I`ll buy the product that is the most economical.


06-15-2006, 06:39 PM
If you`re not so much interested in ease of use (dusting, oil etc.. are a non-issue) then I would say the results are better with Menzerna in my experience (since PG is more aggressive, and FPII finishes down better), and they are more economical, as they are available in much larger sizes which brings the price per ounce way down.