View Full Version : OMG, Did you hear that sound?

06-15-2006, 07:00 AM
The sound of me falling on the DuraGloss bandwagon... sorta!

Yesterday I ran by the only CarQuest in town and picked up some DuraGloss 901 Car Wash Concentrate, 921 Fast Clean & Shine and 751 Rain Repel Glass Cleaner. They did not have Aqua Wax :hairpull

Anyway I used the 921 FCS & 751 RRGC on both cars last night, both had only road dust/dirt from only about 2 days. The Rain Repel seems to clean good although it has not rained so I cant comment on the Repel part, yet. BUT, I really like the Fast Clean & Shine... cleans better and easier to use then FK425 (not that 425 is that hard to use) but it wipes cleaner faster. So far though I dont see FCS replacing PB SnW or FK146. It didnt seem to clean bird bombs as well... but more testing is still needed.

I am getting a foam gun for Fathers Day so I will wait and try the car wash in the gun... maybe this weekend.


06-15-2006, 07:46 AM
I have had no problem with it removing bird bombs..even seagull bombs..worst ones yet...just let it dwell a few secs...

S&W is more of a waterless wash with no added protection..but does not claim not to remove any LSP..

FC&S is a cleaner with added protection that will bond to LSP and not remove it..

both are good products for what they are...



06-15-2006, 11:36 AM
I use QEW in a spray bottle for bird bombs- it dissolves most of the drop prior to wiping

06-15-2006, 01:50 PM
Well I did say I needed more time for testing..... I really do like FC&S!!!


06-15-2006, 02:57 PM
I have found that FC&S gets better the next day. It almost acts as an LSP, sorta half an Aquawax. Excellent gloss and nice slickness. Not as slick as AW but nice. And for that price....!!!

I will add that while I think it cleans well, it is not on par with PB`s S&W or a mix of the Opti No Rinse QD for cleaning power. S&W and the Optimum are not as slick or glossy as the FC&S though. The sprayer on the FC&S works great too. It`s the rotating kind, a choice of spray or stream and two off choices. If you use the right MF, you end up using a very small amount of product making it an even better value if that`s possible.

06-15-2006, 05:21 PM
One of these days I`m going to learn what all the abbreviations mean that you guy`s on here are always using. It drives me crazy when people are to lazy to type the word and they think that everyone should know what the hell they are talking about when they abbreviate the words no matter what it may be,Lol. Must be my old age showing :0 ) Mike

06-15-2006, 05:42 PM
Mike..there is decoder section that helps out with the abbreviations here is the link


you will not find them all in here as new products come in here fast and the updates to the products do not come as fast...

but there is enough to get you started...

FC&S is fast clean and shine

PB`S S&W is poorboys spray and wipe

hope this helps....

also some day I would like to see your bear pictures....

last year I had a sow with 2 cubs in the yard..eating the raspberries..I just let them fiest..funny part was the dog was about 70 yards away asleep in the sun..never knew they were there...lol


06-15-2006, 06:42 PM
Mike..there is decoder section that helps out with the abbreviations here is the link


you will not find them all in here as new products come in here fast and the updates to the products do not come as fast...

but there is enough to get you started...

FC&S is fast clean and shine

PB`S S&W is poorboys spray and wipe

hope this helps....

also some day I would like to see your bear pictures....

last year I had a sow with 2 cubs in the yard..eating the raspberries..I just let them fiest..funny part was the dog was about 70 yards away asleep in the sun..never knew they were there...lol


Al, Thanks , that will help a lot. This is what happens when you start getting old ,Lol.

The Bear in your yard is fun to watch but just be careful. There have been way to many people killed or attacked in the past few years. Most people have no idea just how powerful a blak bear is. A #75 Bear will and has killed men very quickly. There speed and strength is really something to see first hand . In the past 7 years I have had my run ins with Bear and have been lucky but I don`t take chances like some guy`s I know.

Here is a link to a few pics of a sow with triplets. She was never happy to see me and kept me in a treestand for 11 hours one evening. I was able to climb down and walk out of the woods at 1:30 AM in the rain, Not a fun walk,Lol Mike


06-19-2006, 05:00 PM
Well I did say I needed more time for testing..... I really do like FC&S!!!

:)How was the weekend testing? ... ex: DG 601 shampoo vs. FK 118sc etc...

06-20-2006, 06:51 AM
Between rain & Fathers Day.... no testing was done. Maybe this weekend.

06-20-2006, 08:59 AM
Yes, the FC&S is a great OTC QD. :D It`s a shame they didn`t have the AW for you. It`s an amazing product, for what it is, and what it costs. You will love it too! Maybe have the CQ order it for you. They should easily be able to order it and that way you don`t pay the shipping costs.

The DG shampoo is my regular go-to wash. I`ve got the big gallon size container that should last a while.

It`s really about time that DuraGloss is earning some respect, as the company has long been passed off and overlooked by detailers. The products are a great value and are IMO easily better than other OTC stuff and comparable to much of the boutique products used, but at much lower price points. I guess, sadly, many see lower $ as lower quality...