View Full Version : Einszett Metallic Polish

06-15-2006, 01:02 AM
Found a bottle of MP in my brother`s closet :), and I was hoping someone could help educate me on this product. What exactly does it do? Strengths/weaknesses? What is a good topper wax/sealant for this polish? Thanks!

06-15-2006, 06:37 AM
It is a very good product, it will clean the paint and leave some carnauba behind. Durability will be about 2 months. Very easy on/off.

06-15-2006, 07:09 AM
Excellent finishing polish.

If its the consumer version (flat tin, 500ml, labelled Metallic PolishWax) then it`s a light polish that improves gloss and leaves some protection. Super easy to use (like all 1Z products), and can be topped with any carnauba to improve durability. I use it after 1Z PP. Its about a 2 on the Megs scale.

If its the Pro version (round tin, 1 litre, labelled Metallic Polish), its a little different. Has a bit more cut and leaves no protection. About 3 on the megs scale.

Either way, you made a good find. :up

06-15-2006, 07:31 AM
Excellent finishing polish.

If its the consumer version (flat tin, 500ml, labelled Metallic PolishWax) then it`s a light polish that improves gloss and leaves some protection. Super easy to use (like all 1Z products

It`s a great product, easy to use; I think of it as a kind of "super" cleaner wax: it has more polishing ability than other cleaner waxes, and leaves behind a great carnauba finish. Very easy to work and remove; like other 1Z polishes, it can also be worked (stays wet)for a long time!

06-15-2006, 09:01 AM
Note that the Pro version does leave a little "wax" behind, but it`s supposedly all synthetic as opposed to the "blend" used in the consumer stuff (or so said the guys at 1Z).

I never got great durability out of MP, but it *is* a very nice mild polish, sorta a "super cleaner wax".

The (apparently no longer imported Pro version is my final polish of choice on the S8, last thing I use before I put on the UPP.

Heh heh, I`ve been recommending 1Z polishes, especially the MP, a lot lately. Very good choice IMO for people who are just getting into the whole detailing thing, very user-friendly.

06-15-2006, 08:20 PM
Note that the Pro version does leave a little "wax" behind, but it`s supposedly all synthetic as opposed to the "blend" used in the consumer stuff (or so said the guys at 1Z).

Oops...my bad. :o Thanks for setting the record straight.

06-16-2006, 06:15 AM
I never got great durability out of MP, but it *is* a very nice mild polish, sorta a "super cleaner wax".

Neither have I; I get about 6 weeks maximum.

06-16-2006, 10:05 AM
Alfisti- Heh heh, well, the Pro MP leaves so little behind it`s not like it`s a big deal. I suspect it`s that little bit of stuff that makes me prefer it over Menzerna FP.