View Full Version : Quick Detailer Question

06-13-2006, 04:37 AM
When I enter a car show, I always give it a good cleaning, washing, waxing etc. the day before, so when I get to my destination, I dont have a lot to do. I never put anything on the paint when I show up, other than wiping the dust off. Would a Quick Detailer help with a better shine/slickness and if so, what would be a good recommendation. BTW my car is White.

06-13-2006, 06:31 AM
Everyone here speaks highly of FK425. Also, Duragloss` AquaWax is getting good reviews as well although it is not really a QD but rather a polymer based enhancer (it contains no wax as far as I know). I like both products and can`t really tell you which gives the best gloss - they are both good. Duragloss also makes a dedicated QD called Fast Clean and Shine (or something like that) but I have not tried yet.

You might want to also try a topper/booster such as Menzerna`s High Gloss Acrylic Shield or Wolfgang`s spritz. Again, neither of these have a lot cleanning power and should not really be considered QDs.

If it were me I would use PoorBoys SW to get the dust off - better than your method of just dry wiping because I think it is perhaps the best cleaner QD on the market. However, it does not add a whole lot to the finish. Then, I would top that with the AquaWax or Menzerna.

06-13-2006, 06:34 AM
For the value, I like FK425 as well...in fact, I need to order another gallon already. However, I really like Zaino also. You are basically looking for something that will aid with removing the dust off (while minimizing marring) while leaving an enhanced, streak-free finish...both of the aforementioned QDs do that well.

06-13-2006, 07:59 AM
What about meguiars final inspection.. what is that, #34?

06-13-2006, 08:13 AM
I second using Poorboy Q&W to get a quick wipedown of the dust, imo, the best and definitly safer way to remove dust and prevent any possible marring of the finish to just using a qd.

Then I would use any of the great suggestions above. Personally, I have had great success with Duragloss AW, and do not forget Clearkote Quickshine (a great qd, do a search on it and you`ll see ;-)). YOu can get that from one of the forum sponsors for a good price. I have not tried 425 as yet, but plan to later on - seems to be in line with Quickshine.

06-13-2006, 12:54 PM
x2 on using a QD first to remove any dust. I`ve found that Poorboys SG (Spray and Gloss) adds a great looking final gloss to the paint on a red car. I`ve also used the Aquawax on white and it looks super.

06-13-2006, 01:12 PM
I have been using the DuraGloss Fast Clean and Shine on the paint when I have a light dust or pollen covering...it is a QD but does have some type of gloss enhancer also...smells just like the Aquawax to me..

It cleans with out marring or scratching the paint...or removing any of the LSP...

you can read about it here.. http://www.duragloss.com/product.asp?pid=299

I find it better than PB`s S&W...

then to add more shine ..use the Aquawax....great combo IMO....and cheap enough to use.


06-13-2006, 01:15 PM
Everyone here speaks highly of FK425. Also, Duragloss` AquaWax is getting good reviews as well although it is not really a QD but rather a polymer based enhancer (it contains no wax as far as I know). I like both products and can`t really tell you which gives the best gloss - they are both good. Duragloss also makes a dedicated QD called Fast Clean and Shine (or something like that) but I have not tried yet.

I just tried the DG fast clean and shine. It`s excellent. I use the aquawax as my LSP and the FCS as my QD. Great stuff and awesome on glass (both the AW and FCS)

06-13-2006, 01:45 PM
Yes Victory...It is a great product...they have been in buisness 30+ years...thier products are not widely available...so they must be doing something right...

The FC&S is one nice product..cleans glass..chrome..paint..plastic trim...dissolves birdsh!t ..best part it leaves paint slick like AW...I know one thing....If I bought 2 bottles of the rage products..I could by a gallon of this....and get better results


06-13-2006, 03:17 PM
Al, since you have used these products what is your recommendation on just how they should be used? By that I mean I understand the QD has cleaning power like Poorboys SW and the Aquawax would be somewhat similar to Menzerna`s HGAS, more of a protectant and booster to the lsp. So, would you use the Aquawax after a wash (wet or dry - I think you like it dry as do I) as it was intended and follow it up with the Fast Clean and Shine? Or would you put Aquawax on top of the QD?

06-13-2006, 03:39 PM

After a wash and dried..I would use AW..no need for FCS..as the car is clean..

if the car just has a dust coat and not real gritty dirty..I would use the FCS..the follow up with AW if needed...as I said..I think the FCS is fortified with some AW...

reason being it causes the same slickness and shine..just do not know if it would be as durable as a AW application...they claim it helps maintain durabilty..so it offers some protection..but how much..I do not know...but claims will not remove any LSP also...so you have protection there..

Hope this helps...


06-13-2006, 07:08 PM
Thanks Al, I`ve got both products and I`ll do some experimenting on my own. What you say makes sense. If the vehicle is spotless, use the AW since it is a fortified version of the QD without the cleaning power and you don`t need that if you`ve washed the car. Therefore, no need to QD at all. If the vehicle needs a little touch up cleaning, FCS would be used 9in the same manner as is Poorboys SW). It won`t last as long in terms of durability as the AW of course but should give temporary protection and a gloss enhancement anyway. If it does that AND cleans as well as SW, it will be a winner in anyone`s book.

beefy z
06-14-2006, 07:41 AM
taking this one step further, what`s your recommendation when using these products, what Mf towel are you using; an extra or ultra plush for the PB sw or FCS and then a shorter nap regular for final wipe down using the Sg or AW?

06-14-2006, 08:22 AM
I use the Meg`s #34. I just picked up another gallon last night. It`s my favorite.

But as the kind folks above said, play chemist and experiment with different solutions

and techniques. Good luck.