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06-12-2006, 10:39 PM
Hi, this is my first post here, I have searched but I couldn`t find exactly what I was looking for as there are so many options, so I am going to ask some rook questions, I hope you guys don`t mind.

I have a Sonic Blue Ford Mustang and I am planning on detailing it soon as it is covered in swirlmarks and has some other imperfections. I`m planning on getting the ssr 2.5 or ssr2, then ssr 1 and follow it up with some S100, but from what I hear it seems that ssr 2.5 is more abrasive than ssr 2. It was my understanding that ssr2.5 differed from ssr 2 in that it didn`t need a follow up polish before the wax/sealant, would I be better off using ssr 2 and following up with ssr1? Also I have heard of FPII is this polish more on the level of ssr1 or ssr 2.5? I have seen some people follow ssr 2.5 with FPII and some who replace ssr2.5 with it, which is best? I am just hesitant to use something that is going to harm my paint, so I would like to use the least abrasive.

06-12-2006, 10:50 PM
from what I`ve heard, the FPII is a micro-abrasive so it would be a "last step polish" right before you seal/wax.

06-13-2006, 05:56 AM
Yes, although the descriptions don`t make it clear, SSR2.5 is more abrasive than SSR2. The general forum "swirl removal combo" is SSR2.5 followed by SSR1, or SSR2.5 followed by FPII. Basically FPII is interchangable with SSR1 and will probably give a slightly better finish. Depending on how bad your swirls are, here are your choices (most abrasive to least, color denotes Lake Country pad type):

1. SSR2.5/Orange

2. SSR2.5/white

3. SSR2/Orange

4. SSR2/white

Whichever combo(s) you try should always be followed by SSR1/white OR FPII/white.

06-13-2006, 08:48 AM
Well, I jsut went outside to take pictures and I found that I wouldn`t get the swirls to show up on camera. Also now that I really look at them they aren`t all that bad, what level swirls does FPII take out? I am wondering is I even need to use the SSR 2 or 2.5 first.

06-13-2006, 04:47 PM
Also can the FPII be applied in sunlight like the ssr line? My area is very sunny and unfortunatly I have minimal shade and no place indoors to detail my car. Also with the FPII or any of the ssr line do I need to moisten the pad with water/detailer or is it really just drop a dab and go with it?

06-13-2006, 05:28 PM
Well, i would definetly worry about the heat and humidity in Florida :drool:

06-13-2006, 09:06 PM
So should I just go with the ssr 1 instead? Poorboys main advertising point is that it can be applied in the sun so I should be fine with them. Also I don`t have the PC 7424, would it be alright to apply this stuff with another random orbital buffer?

06-14-2006, 05:00 PM
Well guys I went out and bought a mart` random orbital buffer today. I know, I know I shouldn`t have but I just don`t have the money to spend on the PC as I am saving for a H/C/I package. I know it`s not going to be as effective as a PC but would this buffer work without creating more swirls? Also I don`t know where I could find any foam applicator pads for the buffer, any suggestions?

06-14-2006, 07:42 PM
Return it!!! Honestly you`re better off returning it and just glazing (hiding the swirls/imperfections temporarily) by hand until you can afford a PC. It`s a waste of money to try to polish with a `mart buffer...not the right pads, and not nearly enough power. I have a Black and Decker FS4000ROS Firestorm Random Orbital Sander (http://www.blackanddecker.com/ProductGuide/Product-Details.aspx?ProductID=8352) , and it works great for me. For some reason Lowes.com is shows that it is unavailable, but if you can find it at Lowes go for it. It should be around $50, and because it has a built-in velcro backing plate you don`t need to purchase an additional one...just pads.

06-14-2006, 09:57 PM
The one I have is a Coleman powermate, it seems better than most but you think that I would be better off getting the firestorm? If I cant find it at lowes is there a near equivilent sander/buffer that you could reccomend or is it mainly just any random orbital sander? Also with this sander could I just order any pads that would go on the PC 7424 and could I get the 6" pads or should I stick with 5" if I can find them?

I apologise for all of the questions, I imagine that you guys get loads of guys just like me in here daily but both me and my car appreciate all of your help :thx

06-15-2006, 07:05 AM
With this sander I use mainly 6.5" LCM pads, but if you wanted you could use 5.5" ones as well. 6.5" are much easier to find...but it would help for you to get pads with a cut in the middle so it`s easier to center the pad on the machine.

A coleman powermate won`t have enough power, adjustable speed, or the ability to put on pads....so I think you should return it. Not all random-orbital sanders are suitable--make sure that it has an orbit eccentricity of at least 5 millimeters (~.2 inches) and that it`s speeds are in the right range. This one claims to have a speed range of 4000-11000 which seems okay to me. Most sanders are fixed at 11000 or 12000, so make sure it is adjustable speed. The Firestorm probably fits these requirements best, but if you can`t find it look for some other random orbital sanders.

06-15-2006, 09:41 PM
I called Lowes and the have it for $41, I`ll be picking it up sometime soon. I returned one of the buffers today and I`ll be returning the other tommrow. I`m ordering my polish and wax from autogeek.net tonight and it should get here by monday. Here`s my order:

Poorboy`s ssr 1

Poorboys ssr 2

Natty`s blue paste wax,

Dual-action orange 6.5" cutting pad

2-Dual action white 6.5" polishing pad

Does that sound alright? Also I didn`t know if I have enough pads, I think I have enough but WOW those are expensive, especially the orange pad $12.99

If anyone has any suggestions please post quick as I am ordering in the next 15 min.

06-16-2006, 08:20 AM
Congrats on finding the polisher! :clap:

Did you order it yet? I have a few suggestions--

Get a couple of Black pads too, you`ll want them for applying wax/sealant

Chances are SSR2 won`t be strong enough. Replace with SSR2.5

you might want to get a sealant, too.

Also, you could order all that from Danase.com, which has a forum discount...plus you could get the "build your own pad kit" so they`d be cheaper.

06-16-2006, 04:36 PM
Yeah I was afraid that my local store wouldn`t have it. I haven`t went in to get the buffer, I`v have beeen working for the past 3 days, but I`ll probably go in tommrow to get it. Also I placed my order last night so I can`t really change anything now, so it looks like i`ll be applying the wax by hand, but I don`t mind, just having the buffer to do the other steps is good enough.

So you don`t think that the ssr 2 will be strong enough? I was thinking of even starting with the ssr1/white pad to see if I would need to go stonger but now that you say that I guess i`ll start with the ssr2/orange pad. Speaking of pads I only got 1 orange pad and 2 white, is that enough? As for removing the products I have a few mircofiber polishing towels and a few other towels, that should sufficient, right?

I can`t wait to start, I`ll make sure to take before/after pictures :getdown

06-16-2006, 05:34 PM
IDK, SSR2 might be strong enough, since I haven`t seen how bad your swirls are I can`t make that judgement. It`s just that SSR2.5 is, in general, a favorite product because of its balance--it is effective in removing swirls yet finishes down nicely. I`m not sure where you should start, but chances are SSR1 is too mild...if I were you I would start out with SSR2/white on your first panel, if that isn`t working then go to SSR2/orange.

Your pads and MF towels seem plenty sufficient. You could possibly get away with only one pad if you wanted, but having two gives you the flexibility (if SSR2/white works, you will need to follow up with SSR1/white, which will require a new pad).

Definitely show us the pics when you`re done!