View Full Version : Foam Gun Alternative?

06-12-2006, 08:09 AM
Fellow detailers....long time reader, now becoming interactive.

Just purchased a PC7336 yesterday, and pads and Klasse Twins are on the way - I can`t wait!

In looking at the foam gun on AutoGeek, I`m thinking that`s a great compliment to any detailer`s toolkit. However, it seems a little steep at $50 (having just depleted most of my funds on a polisher and supplies!).

Has anyone discovered a lower-cost alternative to the foam guns? Is there anything in the garden section of home improvement stores that might suffice?

Just taking a pulse on this.....love all the great topics and hope to post pics of before/after with the new PC.



06-12-2006, 09:25 AM
As best I can tell, no lower-cost alternatives have worked nearly as well as the foamgun. I`d spend the money, $50 won`t seem like so much when you no longer mar the paint requiring you to polish it all the time ;)

Honestly, I think I`d rather have the foamgun than the PC if I had to choose between them.

06-12-2006, 09:45 AM
The foam gun is worth the $50. All brass fittings, very adjustable - feels very nice.

06-12-2006, 10:11 AM
I just bought this one (http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=46076-76363-31597&lpage=none) at Lowes for 9 bucks. I don`t have a `real` foam gun to compare it to, but I don`t think that it produces nearly the amount of foam that one of the $50 ones does. However, it does put a nice coating of soap on the car`s surfaces and I`d think that it`s enough to prevent any marring. For the cost of a regular nozzle it`s sure worth a try.

06-12-2006, 10:38 AM
I just bought this one (http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=46076-76363-31597&lpage=none) at Lowes for 9 bucks. I don`t have a `real` foam gun to compare it to, but I don`t think that it produces nearly the amount of foam that one of the $50 ones does. However, it does put a nice coating of soap on the car`s surfaces and I`d think that it`s enough to prevent any marring. For the cost of a regular nozzle it`s sure worth a try.

I have this one too - but the difference is that the Autogeek.net one has an aerator, AND a foaming tip. This "cheapo" ones just mix the soap and water and don`t really do anything near what the foam gun does.

06-12-2006, 10:43 AM
As best I can tell, no lower-cost alternatives have worked nearly as well as the foamgun. I`d spend the money, $50 won`t seem like so much when you no longer mar the paint requiring you to polish it all the time ;)

agreed ^


06-12-2006, 11:06 AM
Whoa....double *argh.....that just looks like it means business (bidness)!

I just bought the one at Lowes....perhaps it may be going back shortly.

What model is everyone buying - the quart or the 1/2 gallon?

06-12-2006, 11:58 AM
I have the quart. Half-gallon would be way too heavy to carry IMO

06-12-2006, 12:45 PM
Yeah, it`s too easy to bump the paint with the larger bottle, at least when using the sort of wash techniques that I employ.

06-12-2006, 01:08 PM

I know there have been several theads on this, but I finally tried ONR. My car was hardly dirty but I really liked the product.

I used 2 gallons water + 2 ounce ONR and I think 6 or 7 MF. I washed the car really quickly and came out with a nice shine. I don`t think there was any marring caused by it, but I`ll have to try when the car is dirtier.

It was great being able to work in the garage, hardly using any water and now my neighbours don`t have to see me washing my car every week. No worries about the weather, and very little setup and clean up. Just toss the MF in the washing machine afterwards, no hand washing of mitts and dealing with hose / foam guns, hardly any water dripping out of cracks. I think it leaves some sort of protection behind, but I`m not sure. I was pleased to see that it was fine on glass, plastic, etc.

An aside, I have noticed that at least 3 of my neighbours have started washing their cars on their driveway, I think I started a trend :D ... I guess they all don`t think I`m nuts

But ... I`m afraid to try this on a dirty car. How do you deal with a really dirty vehicle, perhaps blot areas with ONR? I was thinking in really dirty cars to take out some wash mitts or large sponge and blot, then follow with MF and wipe. What are the limits of ONR .. anyone have pics of how dirty a car can be and safely use ONR? Another thing is I probably could have used less towels but I`m not sure how to judge, any guidelines? Thanks!