View Full Version : Oldy goldies

Ed Fisher
06-07-2006, 12:55 PM
I shuffled thru the old posts from year 2001 or so. Boy was it a community ! David was joining in and so was good ol` Big Dane Brad... Huy and others and I miss a lot of those days... I was a real rookie and those three guys taught me a real lot of things !

I once remember this guy who was the owner of one of the major brands. (Name and brand same word; never mind the excat detail) He made the huge mistake of flaming one of us. Oooh boy did he get a treatment...

Well anyhow he became a real good friend of that bunch those days but I do not see him around any more. Well he became a real big boss and gave up hyping in forums... Anyway, oldies know who I am talking about...

Aaaahhh it was 5 years ago... we were all young and real shaky about what we were doing... Now we preach...

Thank you David, thank you Brad, thank you Huy and thank you Holly, Arcticwhite and Ronin and others who were there... God bless you all... :thx

09-06-2006, 03:54 PM
Murat!! It`s been a looooong time! I can`t believe how fast the time has gone by...I remember autopia back in the old forum...that was back in `00 wasn`t it??

If any of the oldtimer`s read this thread, feel free to drop a line to say hello, or email me huy d vu @hotmail.com Remove all the spaces of course

09-06-2006, 05:05 PM
Ahh......the good ole days......

09-07-2006, 10:53 AM
Hey Murat :wavey

Gee, that *was* a while ago huh? I was just lurking here back then, when it was the old forum. IIRC the hot combo then was IHG topped with Blitz.

Gee, I miss ArcticWhite, TaxLady, and Lynn...seems like we had more female members posting back then.

Wonder if NeoPrufrok ever got those holograms out of his black A4.

09-08-2006, 12:42 AM
Back in the old days was also if you didn`t use Klasse or Zaino you had a rough time here...