View Full Version : PC7424, Malco Rejuvinator and an old ranger

06-07-2006, 08:59 AM
Hi everyone, i`m finally going to use my PC7424 for the first time tonight. I have my beater truck, an 88 ford ranger, light blue with some fading paint that needs some attention. I bought a orange pad and a white pad. I think i understand (thanks to this site) how to do it, but i`m wondering what pad i should use? Do you think the orange pad will be too aggressive? The paints in not so hot shape, but really just needs some buffing/polishing, i`m going to use the malco stuff cuz that`s what i have handy (local shop gave it to me).

I have Klasse AIO, u think i should use that instead? I dont think it would be aggressive enough. Anyhoo, thanks for your time.
