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06-05-2006, 06:42 PM
I decided to take a trip to the local store that carries Duragloss products so i could pick up a bottle of Aquawax. While i was there one of the employees reccomended the total performance polish(#105) he said it was extremely easy to apply and remove. As it only costs about 8 dollars i thought i would give it a try since a Duragloss product would be a good base for the AW. Based on what the bottle says it has cleaners and is synthetic and also has some carnuaba.

Application was extremely easy. Since the product is thin, it`s very easy to apply in thin coats. The bottle says to apply to one panel at a time and let dry, but since it was so easy to apply i applied it to the entire car and let it dry for a moment or two and then wiped it away. The only reason i`m writing this is because this stuff is very easy to remove. I would compare it to UPP for removal and that is saying a lot, especially since this product is a cleaner wax product and only costs 8 bucks.

The look is great, i applied it saturday(i`m writing this the following monday) and haven`t gotten the chance to apply the AW yet and the car looks as good as after applying any expensive wax/sealant that i have tried. This product is not on the Duragloss website which leads me to think that maybe it has been discontinued, but the guy at the store acted like it was a brand new product. I have no idea if this stuff has a future or not(maybe he was just giving me a good sales-pitch?).

Either way, if you can find some i would strongly suggest trying it as it seems to be a great product, especially for 8 dollars. I haven`t thought about testing longevity as i plan on using AW over it, but the initial look is great and it`s extremely easy to apply and remove and it is a cleaner wax product also. It also has a great scent, i can`t quite place what it smells like, but my initial impression was bubble gum.

I might also add, that the finish it was used on was polished and sealed(UPP) in early april, and washed and waxed (meg`s #26) regularly since, ease of application and removal might depend on what type of finish you are working with.

06-05-2006, 07:19 PM
I have not heard or seen that product Total Performance Polish #105..Interesting..wonder if it is New..the paste wax is #104..I have the new catalog and nothing in there called Total Performance Polish..or #105..if you could post a picture of it I would be interested to see it..may be a new product...

I think their products are great ...very under rated ...

I may have you pick me up a bottle so I can try it out ...the paste wax #104 is the only sealant they have that has Carnuba in it..it may be a modified version being #105...



06-05-2006, 07:41 PM

This is a pic of the bottle.

The text that is blocked out by the flash reads:

Synthetic Polymer/Wax Formula

Cleans and Polishes in One Step

Clear Coat Safe

Durable to Acids and Alkalies

06-05-2006, 07:51 PM
thanks for the picture...as said..it may be new..or something discontinued....sounds like the #104 but liquid form....it can`t be a bad product..as I have not had a bad one yet..and I have tried alot of their stuff and it all works like they claim....


06-05-2006, 07:59 PM
Their all purpose rim cleaner kind of sucks but thats the only product Ive had a bad experience with. The bug and tar remover is very good, AW speaks for itself and their vinyl and leather dressing is also very good.

06-05-2006, 08:07 PM
My car still look great, i`m going to apply the AW this friday and see it anything improves. I`m planning on applying the duragloss #105 to my dad`s work truck(my wax longevity test vehicle) (NXT paste is barely doing anything on the hood after 2 months, sheets a very little bit of water) I`m going to see how long the Duragloss lasts in real world conditions. I wash the work truck for my dad every two weeks or so.

06-05-2006, 08:12 PM
Gonzo..here is a link to a post...I did my hood today with a few products....



06-05-2006, 09:15 PM
based on the pictures on the label I`d suspect that it is a new product. maybe call them and ask. 1-800-424-9300

06-06-2006, 05:17 AM
Hmmm, this has to be another new DG product, which I find very interesting, to say the least...

06-14-2006, 01:57 PM
I called Duragloss today to find out if this was a new product...I spoke with Jerry..

I was told this is a new product..just released from R&D..it is a polymer/acrylic based product sorta like AIO but not as heavy as a cleaner....It does have cleaner but just enough to clean surface to make bonding complete...was told it was thier most durable and glossiest product yet..also they are working on newer type sealants..he was good to talk to explaining the chemical reactions of the polymers and bonding agent..and they use high grade polymers..very mild cleaners just for surface contaminents..

and they do testing against other products..never said which ones...

I believe he said the Aquawax was a polymer/acrylic solution also...


06-20-2006, 03:11 PM
My car still look great, i`m going to apply the AW this friday and see it anything improves. I`m planning on applying the duragloss #105 to my dad`s work truck(my wax longevity test vehicle) (NXT paste is barely doing anything on the hood after 2 months, sheets a very little bit of water) I`m going to see how long the Duragloss lasts in real world conditions. I wash the work truck for my dad every two weeks or so.How was the test? ... Would this New 105 be considered a step up from 101 ... OR 111 ? (TigerMike, Your kidding right? ... A Zaino guy who likes DuraGloss!)

06-20-2006, 04:42 PM
I liked Aquawax so much that I placed a order for 105 yesterday after they finally put it up on their website. I will be sure to tell you guys how it worked out for me once I get to test it out.

06-22-2006, 02:01 PM
Dr. Gonzo

How is the #105 holding up....I am about to order some..and some more fast clean and shine..this stuff is amazing ..My GF uses it on every piece of furniture and glass in the house...slickest kitchen table in the state...lol



06-22-2006, 02:05 PM
I would be very curious as well. I need to run by the CQ to see if they have the 105 in stock and give it a whirl. I`m using the AW alone right now, but I`ll bet the 105 would make a great addition.

Al, I agree on the FC&S! It smells great and leaves a wonderful (glossy/slick) surface.

06-22-2006, 02:10 PM
I would be very curious as well. I need to run by the CQ to see if they have the 105 in stock and give it a whirl. I`m using the AW alone right now, but I`ll bet the 105 would make a great addition.

Al, I agree on the FC&S! It smells great and leaves a wonderful (glossy/slick) surface.

You think FC&S smells good? :think: I think it is one of the worst smelling products I own.