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06-04-2006, 03:52 PM
-Beach Volleyball - Played at Santa Barbara`s East Beach for years, although I`ve moved recently and need to meet some people here.

-Running - I`ve run a couple half marathons in the last couple of years. I`ve been hitting the gym recently to try to regain my upperbody strength. Next year I plan to run one last half marathon and break 1 hour 40 minutes.

-Law School - In two months I begin law school.

06-04-2006, 03:57 PM
What I do for fun is Canyoneer, Hiking, Backpacking, and Snowshoeing.

imported_Detailing Technology
06-04-2006, 03:59 PM
I did a Du-athalon today.

06-04-2006, 04:03 PM
Sitting on my *** all day being unproductive :D

06-04-2006, 04:29 PM
I used to play a lot of hockey, but mostly its swimming (ocean) now that I`ve been in Florida for a while. School eats up a lot of my time too, between classes (Chemical Engineering) and going out/partying.

06-04-2006, 04:50 PM
Running and boating.

06-04-2006, 05:53 PM
I`m a college student and EMT. Also do a lot of martial arts (guns, sticks, knives and empty hands).

06-04-2006, 06:29 PM
Finishing my undergrad

Political groups/debates

Keeping the lady happy

Fishing (when I manage to make time)

Running/lifting weights

Dartboard + beer + a few buddies = Friday nights


06-04-2006, 06:42 PM
like to golf and snowboard , when I have the time. you guys think detailing is expensive ? take up golf :LOLOL

06-04-2006, 07:11 PM
Skiing, riding my motorcycle

06-04-2006, 08:17 PM
-Waste time on Autopia and other `net stuff

-Mountain bike

-Try to wrangle 4 teenagers

06-04-2006, 08:25 PM
Career firefighter (Captain on an Engine company)

Work at the State Fire Academy ( part time)

Freelance writing/reporting for a local newspaper

Learning to fly...half way to my private pilot ticket!

06-04-2006, 08:32 PM
I`m a former distance runner, used to crank out 10-15miles a day. Now I`m starting to pick it up again in addition to biking. I did a 7-8mile bike ride this afternoon, and my legs are still pissed at me.

Umm, also working on my degree in school and going to begin working on my first pilot`s license (SOLO) in the next few weeks.

Forgot to mention that I also work in an Emergency Room registering patients, which can be quite fun at times. I`ve got hospital stories a mile long and I`ve only been in the ER for 2 years. :scared:

Other than that my time is dedicated to my car. :)

06-04-2006, 08:48 PM
Completed my MBA in December, and I am looking for a job and investment/business opportunities.

I also like to lift weights and play basketball; watch sports; play with 4-wheelers, hunt, and shoot.

I do lots of house work and yard work, too, because I like things clean and neat :) (it also makes the girlfriend happy :) ).

06-04-2006, 09:01 PM
Career firefighter (Captain on an Engine company)

Work at the State Fire Academy ( part time)

Freelance writing/reporting for a local newspaper

Learning to fly...half way to my private piolt ticket!

I`ll be a firefighter in 3 weeks when my academy comes to an end.

After my probationary period is up, I plan on taking up martial arts again (Brazilian jiu jitsu and muay thai)