View Full Version : Best way to remove haze?

03-11-2005, 09:17 AM
I have a section of haze on my new car that looks like a buildup of Klasse, where I may not have buffed it out enough. Since then I`ve also applied a coat of SG.

I`d like to take this down to the paint on the section and reapply. I have some P21S Paintwork Cleanser in my cabinet. Will this work? Or should I use clay or something else?


03-11-2005, 09:32 AM
P21S Paintwork cleanser should work well as would AIO. But you might also try a quick detailer if you have one handy. I had the same problem with SG and never really figured out how to avoid it and just moved onto to another product. Sometimes the QD would clear it up and other times I had to strip it off with AIO or some sort of cleanser.

03-11-2005, 09:51 AM
Are you sure it`s SG buildup? SG is not THAT hard to remove. Nothing a good washing woudn`t cure anyways. If it is haze or possibly holograms, some more aggressive means would be in order, meaning PC and a medium abrasive, or perhaps more...

03-11-2005, 10:11 AM
I actually think it`s the AIO, but I`m certainly not sure. I know what a "hologram" is, but not in the context of a car`s finish. The car is one month old (Ti silver BMW). It`s sort of like a milky looking film (like Cirrus clouds) that show`s up in good light, only on a relatively small section of the rear corner panel near the gas cover. I`m new to the business of detailing cars btw (in case it isn`t obvious). I didn`t notice it prior to applying the initial AIO treatment about 3 weeks ago, but then again maybe the light conditions weren`t good.

I did just order a PC7424 online which will be here next week.

03-11-2005, 10:21 AM
I had the exact same thing with SG but never with AIO. I applied it, wiped it clean and then 2-3 days later the "haze" would appear. It was weird. No idea what I did wrong to cause it. Did you notice it while applyling the SG or after you applied the SG?

Hologramming is a term used to describe a type of paint marring usually made by a rotary. It`s called so because it resembles the look of a hologram somewhat.

03-11-2005, 10:30 AM
I noticed it prior to applying the SG. When trying to fix it initially, I first tried AIO again hoping it would remove the previous layer and then applied the SG to the whole car. I`ve also tried Pinnacle Crystal Mist QD to no avail.

Since the car is brand new, I put the AIO on the first weekend I had it and noticed the "haze" the following week while at the gas station. About a week later I tried the AIO over the area in question and then did SG on the whole car. The car looks great other than this one area. I`ve never used any kind of rotary polisher or random-orbital. Everything done to the car since I picked it up at the dealer has been by hand. I applied the AIO with a foam pad (from autopia) designed for the application, and buffed it out with their "concours buffing cloth".

I did a google search for "hologram" and found the Meguiar`s video. The section does resemble what`s in the video. If it is a "hologram" problem, I certainly can`t figure out what caused it. Perhaps the dealer used a rotary buffer on the car to prep it before I picked it up??

03-11-2005, 10:46 AM
I did a google search for "hologram" and found the Meguiar`s video. The section does resemble what`s in the video. If it is a "hologram" problem, I certainly can`t figure out what caused it. Perhaps the dealer used a rotary buffer on the car to prep it before I picked it up??

That`s entirely possible. It may also have been during the manufacturing process since buffing is a normal step in the paint process.

If it`s product haze or buildup, a shot of 50/50 alcohol and water or a bug and tar remover like Tarminator will remove it.

Good luck.