View Full Version : questions on ex-p and Wolfgang sealants

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06-02-2006, 05:11 PM
I currently have Klasse AIO and Sealer Glaze on my car one coat of the Sealer, I was wondering if there would be any negative effects on applying either wolfgangs Sealant or the poorboys Ex-p over top the sealer glaze ?

any tips to using Ex-p and or Wolfgang would be helpful as well. New products I am eager to try :chuckle:

thanks in advance.

06-02-2006, 05:25 PM
Don`t know about the product combination, but I use EXP over RMG all the time with no bonding/durability issues.

EXP needs AT least 30mins after application before you remove it. Allow 24hrs for it to fully cure. It cures really clear and offers very crisp, clear reflections. I like it really well on metallics, as well as some solids (white).

A second coat of EXP is worth it if you have time after the first has cured.

06-02-2006, 07:28 PM
I`m sure you would probably have some kind of bonding issues with applying various kind of sealants on top of each other like that. If you do though, all that might happen is that you won`t get the full potential of the sealant`s longevity, but it should still look good. IMO, I`d pick one and stick with it.

If you want to try another sealant, use AIO to clean and prep the surface and switch to whatever you want to try. No matter which one of the three you go with, you will be happy. They all look great and last a good while.

06-02-2006, 07:53 PM
Don`t know about the product combination, but I use EXP over RMG all the time with no bonding/durability issues.

EXP needs AT least 30mins after application before you remove it. Allow 24hrs for it to fully cure. It cures really clear and offers very crisp, clear reflections. I like it really well on metallics, as well as some solids (white).

A second coat of EXP is worth it if you have time after the first has cured.

why would i need to wait at least 30 minites before removing ex-p? isnt it a WOWO? it even saids that on its directions.

06-02-2006, 08:27 PM
That wasn`t my interpretation of the label. Maybe they meant allow 30-1hr to cure. I took that as leave it alone. I gues it can be wowo, I`ll re-read my bottle tomorrow.

I know it looks a LOT better when I let it set for 30 mins before taking it off though, as opposed to the on/off.

Maybe thats just me.

06-02-2006, 10:05 PM
thanks for all the comments.

I am not looking to keep switching Sealants currently, I was just courious as to what would happen if one switched from Klasse SG to Wolgang or SG to Ex-p.

The info was very helpful

thanks again.

06-03-2006, 12:17 PM
why would i need to wait at least 30 minites before removing ex-p? isnt it a WOWO? it even saids that on its directions.

A lot of people, including myself, have found that by allowing sealants to partially cure before removing any of the hazed leftover product, that the end result is a little bit better. I let all my sealants "pre-cure" for at least 30 minutes, if not longer, but this only applies if you are in the shade, and the surface temps are nice and cool. I wouldn`t ever do this in the sun, nor would I do this in extremely dusty situations.

Carnauba waxes, on the other hand, just in case you are wondering, I remove immediately after I apply them.

06-03-2006, 01:14 PM
Just as an FYI-I applied some Wolfgang Spritz sealant over KSG on one panel as a test in between coats of the SG-----It was a real pain to wipe off. Won`t try that again-glad it was only 1 panel.

Also, my bottle of EX says it can be applied one panel at a time, or for a DEEPER GLOSS wait 30-60 min before removal.

Hope this helps.

06-03-2006, 01:59 PM
A lot of people, including myself, have found that by allowing sealants to partially cure before removing any of the hazed leftover product, that the end result is a little bit better. I let all my sealants "pre-cure" for at least 30 minutes, if not longer, but this only applies if you are in the shade, and the surface temps are nice and cool. I wouldn`t ever do this in the sun, nor would I do this in extremely dusty situations.

Carnauba waxes, on the other hand, just in case you are wondering, I remove immediately after I apply them.

oh ok that explains it. too bad i dont have a garage or shaded area... otherwise i would try this out... hate working in the direct sun everytime i go out there...

06-03-2006, 02:13 PM
yea, i let the ex-p sit for about 30 - 45 minutes, depending on how much time i have. it really gives a better finish.

06-03-2006, 08:19 PM
I just applied my first coat of Ex-p onto my silver Impreza, It was kinda difficult to see the passes I made at times but went on rather smooth. for the tighter spots and around the bumpers I applied with a foam pad for the rest i just used the pc on 3 and a black finishing pad. let it sit for an hour and then took it off with my microfiber towel. I was impressed. I will be adding another shot of it in 24 hrs for sure followed by NXT since it`s all I have to work with currently.

Thanks again for the tips on the products and thumbs up for Poorboys products. wow

and I must also thank


for the Quick shipment and excellent email replies.


06-03-2006, 08:26 PM
I will be adding another shot of it in 24 hrs for sure followed by NXT since it`s all I have to work with currently.

Don`t do this. NXT has cleaners in it, and will remove most, if not all, of your EX-P. If you want to top EX-P with something, your only choice is going to be either multiple coats of EX-P, or a pure caranauba wax.

06-03-2006, 10:31 PM
Not to hi-jack, but I have a similar Q... what do you people think about Sonus SFX-3, then a layer of EX-P, and then topping it all off with Liquid Souveran?

06-04-2006, 08:43 AM
Here`s the actual description from the Autopia Car Care website:

"Sonus SFX-3 Final Finish Polish is an ultra-fine show car polish and finishing glaze designed to produce exceptional depth and gloss on new and like-new paint finishes. Use Sonus SFX-3 by hand, dual- action polisher or rotary buffer to produce stunning show car finish results on all dark colors and metallic finishes.

Sonus SFX-3 is a silicone-free, body shop safe formula. Follow Sonus SFX-3 with your choice of pure carnauba wax or pure sealant. Using a cleaner/wax is not recommended as it may dull the final finish offered by SFX-3.


Shake well before use. For best results, apply with a dual-action polisher or a rotary buffer using a Sonus DAS Blue Foam Pad or a Sonus SFX-3fp Foam Pad. By hand, use a Sonus SFX-Pro Applicator. Use in a well ventilated area. Do not use in direct sunlight."

Sounds like your combo will work just fine, and should look great. :xyxthumbs

06-04-2006, 10:10 AM
I just thought about this last night while thinking up what to put under my bottle of Souveran I recently ordered. I wanted something durable, but nothing with cleaners that dull what the SFX-3 does... and I don`t think TW PUG, while pretty durable for a $7 wax, is a pure wax. But I wasn`t sure. So I`m thinking about like Wolfgang HG Sealant, 4* UPP, or EX-P and to really expand the look, topping it with the liquid Souveran.