View Full Version : Four month old G35... questions.

06-01-2006, 09:49 PM
Hey guys,

I`ve recently come across this site and from what I can tell... this is an absolutely amazing site. I`ve already downloaded the autopia detaliing guide, but would like some help from actual members.

Here`s my situation:

I have an `06 Black G35 Coupe and while I love the car... WOW, is it ever hard to maintain. I do NOT have a garage which probably makes even less sense as to why I purchased a black car. But, as I`m sure all those who own a black car know, it is quite a site when you see a shiny, brilliant black car.

So esteemed members of this site, other than the regular car wash, what do I need to do to keep this car just looking stunning? What procedures do I follow in between washes? What needs to actually be done... waxing, buffing, etc?

What products do I use? Also, I`ve done some light reading on the wonders of using a porter... but I`m never even come close to one. Therefore, what products require the use of one and how do I learn to use one?

In advance, I thank you for your help with this.

06-02-2006, 08:30 AM
Oh come on guys... nobody? :cry:

Ben Kenobi
06-02-2006, 08:45 AM
Welcome to the site. There are a lot of great products that look fantastic on black. I`d recommend you check out Picus`s postings as he also has a black G35. His always looks great and he is very thorough on his processes and products. Scottwax also works with black a great deal also and his postings are top notch. Where are you located? Maybe some of the members here are near you and can offer some advice and show you what to do.

06-02-2006, 09:44 AM
If you`re going to become an enthusiast I would recommend buying yourself a PC (porter cable dual action polisher) with about 2 pads (if your paint is in decent condition). If your paint is a little on the rough side invest in a clay bar or two. Next I would recommend getting yourself a 1 good polish, 1 good glaze, 1 good wax, 1 good QD.... not a big fan of sealants since I give my car a complete once over every 4 months or so.

Between washes just about all you can do is use the QD (quick detailer), spray it down then wipe it off. In my personal opinion QDing a black car every couple of days does lay down some light scratches on the paint. I saw this happen with my neighbor`s black porsche, and that car was garage kept. For as much as a dusty & dirty car bugs me I can never have a black car.......i would go insane.

06-02-2006, 03:31 PM
Welcome to the site. There are a lot of great products that look fantastic on black. I`d recommend you check out Picus`s postings as he also has a black G35. His always looks great and he is very thorough on his processes and products. Scottwax also works with black a great deal also and his postings are top notch. Where are you located? Maybe some of the members here are near you and can offer some advice and show you what to do.

I`m in SoCal... San Fernando Valley to be exact. Now, how do I find/contact Picus and Scottwax? Thanks Ben

06-02-2006, 03:32 PM
If you`re going to become an enthusiast I would recommend buying yourself a PC (porter cable dual action polisher) with about 2 pads (if your paint is in decent condition). If your paint is a little on the rough side invest in a clay bar or two. Next I would recommend getting yourself a 1 good polish, 1 good glaze, 1 good wax, 1 good QD.... not a big fan of sealants since I give my car a complete once over every 4 months or so.

Between washes just about all you can do is use the QD (quick detailer), spray it down then wipe it off. In my personal opinion QDing a black car every couple of days does lay down some light scratches on the paint. I saw this happen with my neighbor`s black porsche, and that car was garage kept. For as much as a dusty & dirty car bugs me I can never have a black car.......i would go insane.

Any particular brand of polish, glaze and wax that you recommend?

Ben Kenobi
06-04-2006, 09:07 PM
Picus and Scottwax are both members on the board, you`ll likely see their postings. If you don`t just do a search on their names and you`ll find them. As for products do a lot of reading and you`ll get an idea of what sounds good and what you can afford.

06-05-2006, 04:59 AM
I also would never own a black car as I`d drive myself insane trying to keep it spotless! :) But black does look soooo good when done right.

06-05-2006, 06:11 AM
OK here is how I maintain my black G.

1) Washing. I wash it about once a week. I either wash it at a coin op (bring my own stuff, use their water) or using Optimum No Rinse (you can read about that on this site). Things to keep in mind. Soft sheepskin mitts, the more the better, switch them out as they get dirty. Top to bottom washing always, you don`t want to drag dirt over the paint. Use apc`s and bug & tar removers liberally. I will soak the front of my car in them before washing to help loosen up bugs, tar, etc... I use it on the fenders too (if you don`t have the guards your fenders will get very dirty).

2) A little off topic - wheel care. I am a big fan of wheel sealants. I use them, they work for me. Keeps the dust down and makes the wheels easier to clean (soap and water). Do wheels before the car.

3) When drying, try to use a product that won`t scratch. Many folks here use leaf blowers, I do sometimes but mostly use soft waffle weave microfiber towels. Keep them clean (wash with only other mf, no fabric softener, wash on warm/cold, air dry)

In between washes I try my best to leave the car alone. Any rubbing, touching, etc.. can marr it. Infiniti paint is soft. If I do have a light layer of dust and want it gone I will use poorboys spray and wipe, which is a waterless wash you spray on liberally and wipe off with a soft mf cloth. You should switch the cloth out each panel (fold to a new clean side of move to another cloth). I do this a few times a month.

As far as long term care. I use a variety of sealants and waxes since I have so many. If I were a weekend warrior kinda guy I`d probably choose one sealant and wax, apply the sealant in April and October, and wax when I felt like it. There are many of each, some that I like on black:


Zaino Z2, very popular, good durabilty (6mo+), looks nice

Poorboys EX, a little less durable (~4mo), looks great on flat black.

Menzerna FMJ, similar to Zaino, 5mo or so of durabilty, looks good, kind of pricey.

Jeffs Werkstatt Acrylic Jett or Klasse Sealant Glaze, both will last awhile and look good.


Poorboys Nattys Blue, very wet, reflective, inexpensive, lasts 4-6 weeks.

P21S, more glossy/glow-y, looks great on flat black.

Clearkote Carnauba, similar to P21S but a liquid.

Other products:

Optimum Car Wax. It`s a spray on wax I use after every wash on my car. Takes 5 minutes, adds a ton of slickness and gloss. I love it.

Clearkote Red Machine Glaze. A glaze I use after polishing. Black daily drivers always have some marring, this helps hide that and darkens the paint.

RE: polishing, I polish my car twice a year (april/oct) with a PC. Learning about a PC is easy, and you`re on the right site. www.autopia-carcare.com, click "how to" and start reading. :)
