View Full Version : G35 Sedan: Bumper Lip Ragged?

06-01-2006, 11:10 AM
The bumper lip (see pic below) on my G35 is ragged from the previous owner probably scrapping curbs and parking blocks.

Any suggestions other than using a blade the slice off the ragged edge?


Thanks for any wisdoms!

06-01-2006, 11:28 AM
I have the same exact problem with my G35. First (you`ve probably already done this but I didn`t right away) make sure the clear tape has been fully removed from the bottom of the lip. It will look very ragged and was a problem on mine. If it hasn`t- just firmly pull it off from one corner to the other. If no tape remains, I would think the best thing to do would be sanding right along the bottom of the lip to make it more smooth then putting a protectant on it.

06-01-2006, 12:03 PM
I agree I would use sand paper something like 120 grit to get the heavy stuff off and then move up in grit from there. If it is textured on the front of the lip be careful not to sand it because it will take the texture off also. I would not use a blade on it as you may cut to deep and gouge the plastic more than it already is.

good luck
