View Full Version : A year has past after I clayed, applied AIO and SG. Do I need to start over? Windows?

05-30-2006, 06:27 PM
It was a good thing I found autopia a year ago and did the clay, AIO and 3 coats of SG on my tan 1998 Honda Accord that before it looked brown and felt like sand paper and now is smooth as glass. I`ve used the Optimum car wax spray in Jan. and I noticed there are some specks of dirt embedded and not as smooth anymore. Could I just clay and use OCW on it for another year and then use the AIO/SG or should I might as well reappy them now? On the bottles it said it lasts for a year though I cant tell if it has worn off and the surface seemed decent to me. It had been driven 500 miles a week for 6 months on the highway and then garaged.

I do have a 1999 Honda Civic parked outside under a powerline that gets bird pooped almost everyday and it is lot rougher and I will clay, AIO and SG that car.

Also is it a good idea to apply AIO and or SG on my windows? I think it may be a bad idea on the front windshield as it may cause wiper chatter or glare? I`ve just clayed and used NXT glass cleaner.

05-30-2006, 10:19 PM
Don`t use AIO on your front windshield. It could cause significant chatter problems there. I use it on all other windows of my vehicles and it works very well.

AIO and SG are NOT going to last you a year on a car no matter what the bottle tells you. This is especially true of a car driven 500 miles a week for the last 6 months. AIO and SG might have protected a painted surface for a year in a laboratory setting, but in the real world you could expect 3-4 months to be realistic with multiple coats of SG. I use AIO and SG, but then top it with a carnauba to enhance the look. If I were you I would wash, clay, polish, AIO then SG, top with your wax of choice. After a year your car is ready to be clayed again.

05-31-2006, 01:36 AM
yep start over again