View Full Version : What do i use on my black car.

05-30-2006, 01:22 PM
I just ordered a Porter Cable, and it should be here on soon so i want to buy some products, i have a flamenco black pearl civic si, it has super light swirl marks so what products should i buy for a black car that i can apply with the PC?

05-30-2006, 01:29 PM
I`ve had fairly decent luck with Poorboys SuperSwirlRemove 2, and the Sonus 2FX and 3FX polishing products. They all three are fairly mild; with black the trick is to NOT introduce any more swirls. As you`ve found, or will see, black is very hard to get right, because the SLIGHTEST scratch mark stands out like a sore thumb. For my money, it`s almost impossible for a `home detailer`, if you will, to completely work black to a flawless condition unless s/he is VERY VERY GOOD. And willing to spend lots of time.

Be prepared to have your polishing efforts bring out scratches and swirls you couldn`t see before..a never-ending story. :)

I posted some shots of my Triple Black Eldorado over on the Click and Brag forum back around May 12th or so, and that was the end result of about 30 hours of work overall. Much re-polishing.

05-30-2006, 01:40 PM
I just ordered a Porter Cable, and it should be here on soon so i want to buy some products, i have a flamenco black pearl civic si, it has super light swirl marks so what products should i buy for a black car that i can apply with the PC?

I had a FBP Civic Si... I had horrible swirl problems with that car and it was parked outside 24/7. I used to use Zymol cleaner wax by hand and it seemed to work the first couple of times but after a while the swirls got worse.