View Full Version : can i use klasse aio too much?

05-29-2006, 03:40 AM
ok my car see`s alot of rain over here in england so i get my share of rain spots etc

the car is well taken care of and curently has aio, sgx4 and p21s on it.i have some minor spots in various places and feel the need to use aio again

my question is can using aio too often wear of my clear? i know it removes oxidised paint, but on good condition paint does it mainly just shift the dirt and contaminents ?

05-29-2006, 08:53 AM
your fine, its more a chemical cleaner than an abrasive


your probably one of 300 in the UK with AIO!

05-29-2006, 09:07 AM
so am i right in thinking it will clean off ground in dirt and grime but leave the sound paint alone?

i just fear about killing my car with kindness..i dont want to end up with no clear coat beacuse i had a few water spots that annoyed me

05-29-2006, 05:05 PM
You should clay after washing of you have any paint contamination, the AIO

Although I admit I used AIO for what you describe and my car looks better than new 4 years later.

Look for the threads, "Behold the power of AIO" WOWO or WOW for wipe on wipe off. Great info on AIO, plus get yourself some Klasse Sealer Glaze, your missing the best part, AIO is step 1 then Sealer Glaze....

Good Luck

05-29-2006, 11:01 PM
he has sg, noticed he said sg x4

05-30-2006, 02:06 AM
yeap plenty of sg on there.....really what im getting at is that i need a very gentle clean that hopefuly wouldnt go through the sg.....maybe i need that mild clay you can get