View Full Version : Tar spots or something similar??

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05-27-2006, 06:14 PM
I work in center city Philly and about 50 feet from where I park my car the past few weeks they have been doing construction on an old apartment building. There are a couple trees and fences in between where they were working and my car but not real coverage. One of the things it appeared to me that they were doing was spraying the side of the building with a tar or tar like substance up on some scaffolding about 3 stories up. I believe some of the overspray got caught in the air and peppered my car and the others I share the lot with. I was able to confirm this after inspecting their cars as well.

What I have are tiny black specs all over the car. (the hood, front bumper, roof, moonroof, windshield, back windshield, trunk, EVERYWHERE except the sides). I`ve tried using kerosene, WD-40, bug and tar remover, and clay bar. They clay bar works but requires a tremendous amount of effort. To clean a section of 2x2 inches requires up to 5 mins of intense pressure and product. I`m wearing myself out trying to get this "stuff" off. Even trying to use my fingernail to scrape it off isn`t working. I`m wondering if there is anything out there I can do to make my life easier or do I have to breakdown and try to find a detailer to take care of it for me? I`m afraid to ask, but any idea how much that could run me?

This sucks, what a lousy way to have to spend my Memorial Day weekend. :cry: TIA for your help.

Vw Gti
05-27-2006, 08:49 PM
You might want to try a hand polish. I would find a hand-friendly polish since i have dont know of one yet (still learning). Hand polishing wont be enough pressure to remove any pressure but it will be abrasive enough to probably remove the black tar that the clay bar didnt.

Wait for more replies before you go on.

05-27-2006, 08:55 PM
i`ve used klasse AIO to remove tar from paint before, it worked quiet well

and don`t use your fingernails on your paint!

05-28-2006, 06:08 AM
i`ve used klasse AIO to remove tar from paint before, it worked quiet well

and don`t use your fingernails on your paint!

Hah, the fingernail reference was there just to show express how difficult this stuff is to get off! :bounce

05-28-2006, 09:46 AM
well, i`m successfully scraping them off the glass parts using a razor. you can feel and here them pop as they break loose. i wonder how i`m going to get this off the paint. :(

05-28-2006, 11:53 AM
try to find out who was doing the work on the building. If you need professional help to get this stuff off you wanna have names to send the bill to.

Ed Fisher
05-28-2006, 01:09 PM
On my old silver babe (Renault Megane which I sold two years ago) some guys were applying some sealant onto a roof when she got peppered just as your car did.

I could find no other way but using Arexons tar remover to get everything off. Applying a good polish, sealant and wax saved it all... Do what EVER you do but do not let it dry up and bake... It becomes impossible to remove it once it cures !!

Remember : it is a substance supposed to wetherproof whatever it is applied...

05-28-2006, 01:22 PM
On my old silver babe (Renault Megane which I sold two years ago) some guys were applying some sealant onto a roof when she got peppered just as your car did.

I could find no other way but using Arexons tar remover to get everything off. Applying a good polish, sealant and wax saved it all... Do what EVER you do but do not let it dry up and bake... It becomes impossible to remove it once it cures !!

Remember : it is a substance supposed to wetherproof whatever it is applied...

yeah, this sounds like it`s my problem. it`s been on there for at least a month now. :(

what is this arexons stuff you speak of and where can i get it?

Ed Fisher
05-28-2006, 01:51 PM
yeah, this sounds like it`s my problem. it`s been on there for at least a month now. :(

what is this arexons stuff you speak of and where can i get it?

Uh... Well do not get frustrated, nothing is over yet... Arexons is Italian and it used to be the stuff officially used by Ferrari until this year. It is a good product. The tar remover is a gel so you can use it on vertical panels too, it does not flow around but stay where you dabbed it.

You can check out the web site of Arexons here (http://www.arexons.com) I don` t know if they sell online but I can bet David can tell you a way much quicker and better way than I can think up...

05-28-2006, 04:53 PM
i know i`m going to take heat for this but i have no other options. i`ve been using a razorblade to scrape these things off. i`m going EXTREMELY slow and careful and so far so good. i haven`t scratched the paint but i don`t think i`m going to be able to do the hood. fortunately i`ve done half of it already but it took over 3 hrs with the clay bar. i`ll have to suck it up tomorrow and just get it done. all that`s left as far as scraping is the roof and maybe some minor misc spots. i need to start resting my forearms now.

i wouldn`t wish this problem on my worst enemy. NEVER park your car within 100 feet of people working with tar on a roof!

05-28-2006, 05:35 PM
why are you doing the work..If the construction company is at fault it is their responsability to make things right...did you see any other car owners there also that noticed what happened to thier cars...the company is insured for stuff like that ...

I would have gone right over to the site and seen what they were spraying..then asked for the site supervisor or foreman...get some phone numbers and then point out what happened to your car....

best of luck..but let them take care of it...


bad venge
05-28-2006, 06:15 PM
I`d try some 3M adhesive remover ... It`ll melt most tar based stuff easily ....

We had a contractor spray paint outside holding tanks at work ....Oversprayed 200+ cars , Ended up paying for a pro detail on everyones car that complained ...Wrote me a check for about $6k

05-28-2006, 06:18 PM
I`d try some 3M adhesive remover ... It`ll melt most tar based stuff easily ....

We had a contractor spray paint outside holding tanks at work ....Oversprayed 200+ cars , Ended up paying for a pro detail on everyones car that complained ...Wrote me a check for about $6k

i almost picked that up at pep girls today. I think it was around $7.50. Do you know if that`s what the detailer used to get it off?

05-28-2006, 06:21 PM
try using some STONER TARMINATOR! Stuff works pretty well at removing foreign substances on the paint. Might be a good solution....let me know how it works out for you.


bad venge
05-28-2006, 07:22 PM
i almost picked that up at pep girls today. I think it was around $7.50. Do you know if that`s what the detailer used to get it off?

I WAS the detailer hence the $6k check ....

ONLY get the white/Red can of 3M stuff .... The Black/gold can is IMO Thinned down consumer stuff ... The white/red is like $15 a can